Empires Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

yeah we gotta hit the reply quota
10k before the update releases or we’re all (supposedly) executed

I disagree with this. There really isn’t as much to do currently because of the early access. Aside from pvping, something that isn’t even meant to be the bigger part of the game, and the dark sea, which is unfinished in its own right, there isn’t as much to do in the game for the general person after completions. The daily quest is just an extra add on incentive and it’s likely to not be incredibly harmful if Vetex does it right.

You act like Vetex is going to make them get some overpowered armor / spell from it. Its a quest system with some easy things to do every 24 hours, he’s not that stupid :sob:. At most the rewards will probably be vanity items for the player to look good with plus some galleons or small extras that don’t do much overall.

Other good games do fine even with daily quests in them, it’s not a feature that kills a game. It’s not like the daily quests become your main focus of the game, its just something extra to have you log on before you end up doing the other cool stuff you can do. It’s not gonna kill the game to have small quests that will probably not even take that long to do, and you overexaggerate the impact it could potentially have.


Anyways, this argument is pointless. Not only is the feature not being developed, but it’s not even fully conceptualized yet. I doubt Vetex makes this feature unhealthy to the game at all, and I’m not gonna pretend like its going to kill the game.

From now on can we NOT argue about features that do not even exist fully yet? Last time we did this we got removed from seeing the Lost & Ancient magics list.

how could you

ok guys lets remove all features because they could be considered predatory and/or controversial
boobs? controversial
things that take time to get? predatory
daily quests? predatory
pvp? controversial
the list goes on and on

remove ao because video games cause violence

remove violence from ao and turn it into a building/farming/fishing simulator
also make everything free because heavens forbid people take time to get stuff

fishing kills the fish and building requires deforestation, also farming too

fuck it lets make vetex’s arcane rng

Of course there is, because it’s melodramatic.

cause people think daily quests (which give you an objective to do) arent good or something like that
idk i kinda skimmed across most of it

Me on my way to turn Shale Reef into Shame Reef (I’m going to use terraforming to remove all of the grass and plants)

Not gonna lie tho you are biggest idiocy in this post I seen

Everybody so mean to me. :frowning:

you came from the fandom by default you guys aren’t liked around here

And I absolutely despire some of y’all for Fear mongering other (AO YouTubers are shitters)

I’m just a conspirator. I do it to entertain myself.


Are you 9/11 conspirator?

I’m telling you, it wasn’t a plane, it was Durza’s blast!

Are you terrorist?