Empires Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

defeating enemies should give meaningful loot rather than the occasional ‘enemy drop: trident’
thats why theyll drop treasure charts if theyre stronger than you by 20+ levels next update

Frost Brigand drops.
Greenwish Cultist drops.
Wind-Row Wolf drops.
Other than that, pretty dumb.

AO forums try not to argue about a feature that isn’t even being worked on currently challenge

It does not give anything new to do. Let’s use your “defeat 5 criminals” for an example - believe it or not, I have already almost completed that daily challenge on my new character! I could even go further and defeat 10, 20, however many criminals I want.

yes, but it gives that sense of ‘wow i can do this for a reward’ to players
its more of a psychological thing that keeps up player retention if i understand correctly

Yeah, but if you do it this way, you get a little bit of a time-spender, and 500 gallons.

Or, it tells them “you have to do this for a reward” if they lack knowledge of what they can do for rewards normally, or if it is particularly rewarding compared to playing the game normally, “you’d be stupid to not do this before you do anything else”.

As far as psychological incentive goes, I’d rather vetex focus on “how do I make this the best game I can” rather than “how do I trick people into spending their time on here”. If the game is good, no tricks are needed.

Want to know what else is a bit of a time spender? Spending any time in the game, doing whatever you want.


Tricking players into staying is just how you make an engaging game, I’m sorry to say.

Please go and read about game design, that’s how you do it on roblox (because it’s a capitalist platform that profits off of children), anywhere else and that isn’t going to be the case (unless you’re referring to triple A slop, which shouldn’t be used as reference).
Either way, a game’s goal should be to grant the player with a unique experience that they enjoy, not to be time-consuming.

Well, if you have a great game, that inherently includes making people want to play it for long stretches of time, and if people don’t want to play it, it’s not good.

There isn’t too much to do as is currently anyway, and it’s not like it harms the game in any way for there to be a few easy daily sidequests alongside everything else. If anything, it helps the playerbase with the goldfish attention span to have something else to do as they log on.

If you really don’t like them that much, you can ignore them. Its that simple.

Really? I don’t have to be tricked into playing a good game.

That’s what you may think, but if you’re not playing it, it’s not good.

Why do you make him sound like a cartoony villain with this :sob:

its probably more realistically “What could I do to give the player some extra incentive to logging on when they have nothing else to do”. Granted, a lot of other things in the game can do this as well, but it’s not like daily quests that you can also ignore outright are the worst option out of these.

A game magically becomes bad when I am not playing it?

If they need that much help on their attention span, that by the time they run out of pretty quest icons telling them where to go next they can’t figure out what they can spend their time doing in the game, I’d be surprised if they make it up Skycliff before giving up.

You say there isn’t too much to do as is - I disagree, I find myself having fun doing simple things like playing with potions or just talking to people. Sometimes I’ll do a small dark sea run, or see if I can come up with a good look for a character.

It can be harmful - the fear of missing out is something that can cause people to turn away. Some people find this kind of thing distasteful, and I wouldn’t like having a section of the UI dedicated to “do this specific task for an extra reward”. The greater the reward gets, the more it eclipses playing the game normally until the daily chores are done. It can be ignored, but it remains an eyesore at best and an objectively bad decision at worst.

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Make a game so great, so memorable, that they choose to play the game when deciding how to spend their leisure time. I guarantee you, seeing someone nuke Palo Town is going to be a bigger draw than “oh yeah, I could log on and do a daily quest”

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It’s a dog-eat-dog world. (why does that phrase exist?)
You’ve gotta keep the ipad kids on AO so that you can pay the bills!


150 replies of yapping about daily rewards as if it’s some kind of demonic entity to grace the world.


Is there a problem?