Empires Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

it’s actually a spoiler for AO’s story that vetex forgot to hide.

morden pulls out a notepad and draws a phone on it

Morden is a generic isekai protag who was sent from our world to the arcane world confirmed:

  • He literally looks like one
  • He has the super duper edgy OP instant kill curse but doesn’t like killing cause he’s nice inside (OMG HE’S SO COOL AND STRONG AND BROODING AND CONFLICTED GUYS)
  • He knows about phones

Coincidence??? I think NOT

  1. GOD NO

  2. I don’t see why we need it, no point for a random hobo to just break into peoples houses. Also when I suggested adding literally like 16 corner wedges to the seafloor to make it not a literal flat plate, people hated it because apparently that adds lag. Imagine how actually laggy adding a lot of parts into cities would be

yeah ik it wouldnt be a good idea it was just a thought, although it was annoying the whole npcs moving about thing was super immersive

Can someone with patreon ask vertex if we get a free stat reset next update?

We do not. I am pretty sure the last stat reset will come with full release, (This is just conjecture), when Oracles is finally playable.

Phone notepad is random ideas vetex has on his phone notepad
also vitality wont be getting that regen change anymore
:partying_face: :tada: :tada: :tada: :partying_face: :partying_face:
question key
1 afk world galleon generation
2 will features promised in this update (spirit rites and fighting styles) be in full release
3 what is phone notepad
4 vitality regen change

Hey guys its me the real John A. Odyssey

What regen change?

It wouldn’t be the balance team without them making overcomplicated changes

what was the 4th question…, nvm im fucking idiotic

instead of having extra health they would have gotten regen upon each hit they dealt

Basically, vitality would lose its health buff and by extension its damage reduction on attacks. The imbuement would be changed to instead reduce damage and grant regen on hit

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this is how the skill tree is gonna work


I was going to post that but I decided to gatekeep…

im always leaking what vetex says its just a habit

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I was gone for FOUR DAYS
Screenshot 2024-09-22 153733

honestly, i like current vitality more than the suggested one, so W vetex

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yeah I thought vitality/spirit weapon concept as a whole was cool because of the health loss thing