Empires Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)


So it’s gonna stay as extra hp w/ drawback?

balancing and bteam thinking people hate how the current vitality works

“man I hate having more health on the tank class it makes no sense”

mainly the self dmg but has anyone ever complained about that?

I don’t even see people complaining about drawback, which appears to do more self damage than vitality

I think no one complains because no one uses it at all lol

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The self damage is barely anything

i use it on my atk speed file, and most of my deaths due to db arent just bc of db, but bc i keep failing to parry, which usually leaves me low enough to actually die to db

Wha island is this???
And wow that’s a cool castle

Unsure if that’s the bay area next to blasted rock or some new island, but we’ll see this friday

cassay aby

Looks like Cassia Bay and it’s cool AF

I knew there were good ways to decorate the most scrungly wilderness island!

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It’s definitely not tide cliff, you can also terraform so the shape of the terrain doesn’t have to line up 100%

spires are still too short to be cassia bay

ok nvm i was wrong its prob cassia bay

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I expect island building to be way more restrictive

Image on it’s own.

And yeah it’s definitely most likely Cassia Bay.


Funny how that’s exactly what it looks like.

i admitted i was wrong blud can you look up 4 messages or just go to that original post where i said

also that big rock the tower is built on seems hella suspicious considering you can only terraform at or around sea level