Empires Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

once again it will be 2 messages ig

This is gonna be so helpful. Thanks, Saiju!

Vetex should let them grow for this reason only

I guess General Valerii is probably the one who’s gonna have Heat Magic. I was never sold on Heat Magic tbh, it just sounds so… reductive. Heat is an aspect shared by so many magics. Fire, Lightning, Magma, Plasma, Ash, Flare, Sun, Phoenix, Scorch, Inferno, Blaze, Aether, Aether Lightning, Poison Lightning, Electron, you name it. To then make a magic that’s only that one quality which is already shared by all of these… I’m not convinced it won’t be boring. I’m not sure how you would majorly differentiate the visuals from Flare and Thermo Fist either.

Most lost magics are more complex, not reductive. Some of them are fusions of whole base magics. Blizzard and Storm are both three in one! Lunar is light and water, Slash is wind with cutting powers, Frostmetal is what’s in the name, etc. I feel like lost magics are better off having more qualities, not less, and that’s the trend that has been followed so far.

I bet it’s gonna be thermo fist visuals as a magic (spinning orange circles)

Yeah I wouldn’t like that :sob:

I will be at work during the update :pensive:

It’s the first image in a post yes

Not necessarily.

It’s described as a liquid magic with dark blue water and a glowing center, but it’s not been stated to be a fusion of any kind

I do agree that “heat” as the name is kind of simplistic, but I can see it being subject to change.

That’s true, I meant it more conceptually rather than it being a literal fusion. Sorry for being unclear

No clue how heat magic will actually work but conceptually it can be more complex than those other magics you listed if it’s control over kinetic energy, since heat is technically just a measure of the amount of kinetic energy.

Said other heat-based magics all have heat as a secondary effect due to the amount of energy packed into them, but controlling kinetic energy would give you much more control over heat and could even allow you to make things cold by removing the it. Plus you could probably be a lot more precise with it as opposed to having to use a fire to heat something.

That said, there’s almost no way that concept could be implemented well if at all so actual heat magic might end up being a bit reductive like you said :frpensive:

The only way to have “magic energy that imitates thermal energy” would be to have specifically hot magic.
How are you going to have magic imitate nothing?

I get that this supposed to be a thought about what heat magic could be, but it’s explicitly stated to be heat magic, not kinetic manipulation magic.

i think abilities that take one thing and and just hone in on it are actually more interesting, all those other magics might have heat but heat magic will have an unmatchable amount (except for maybe inferno since that was like made by a god)
i think focusing on one thing and bringing it to the extreme is cooler than having multiple things that are only good

Im so excited for fort castrate!!

fort cataclysm

Looks pretty peak to me

well magic energy is a “thing”, right? it could just spout pure magic energy, but hot

Again, how is it going to take away heat?
Production of heat without equivalent cold is just an increase to heat. Unless heat magic is radiator or air conditioning magic, it shouldn’t be able to “create” cold.

give it low amounts of heat and make it conduct, that’s how other things make stuff cold

you don’t create “cold”, you create low heat. coldness isn’t negative heat, it’s just a low amount of it. you aren’t subtracting, you’re just adding a very small amount instead of a regular or big amount. you can still make the magic cold the same as ice or snow magic can be

Fort Catastrohpe

I mean shadow/darkness are just the absence of light and yet they still manage to be magics. Heat magic could just create an energy that gives/takes away heat at will, you can just handwave away the specifics cause it’s, y’know, literal magic