Empires Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

The fate of ye average island trespasser getting hit by the 5 mages simultaneously using surge guarding the island with power aura, power potion, max power, and harming V gel.

I feel like the more likely sad option is that you can only get it on Ravenna-related items.

Still, if this fixes the eternal grind for modifiers, this easily becomes the best arcane odyssey update since release. Period

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Somebody already claimed Fort Castrum for their clan

I don’t think you can claim it, it’s just raidable

They’ll be good but I’d still rather blasted/frozen modifiers

I didn’t even think about them only giving specific ones

You guys assume the worst sometimes :sob::sob:

No the only modifiers won’t be sandy and superheated, it will be all of them


Okay, so basicly T1 modifers
Atlantean is twice as effective, so T2 and Abyssal i heard is 1.5 as effective.


this is what the people NEED, grinding for gear for ALL my files just become way more enjoyable

Damn I gotta give Vetex that special surprise now

:call_me_hand: :sweat_drops::tongue:

It also just wouldn’t make sense in my opinion, since abyssal is exclusive to the deep deep ocean and insanity is exclusive to the dark sea

Iii meeean…you coooouuld stretch it a little bit?
Like imagine Ravenna having a squad of scouts in the dark sea. I think we will get something like that only when we will be raiding Keraxe fort, cause you know…they are into dark sea, but it could be streatched…

But still, even t1 modifiers are good. Im not sure if any causal pve player uses atlantean.


Idk why acts like t1 modifiers are worse than insanity

Insanity’s only thing that makes it better is that it can be applies to boss armor and it can give stats like agility n stuff that modifiers don’t have currently, but who’s wanting agility from insanity?

U get annoying text at the bottom of ur screen, normal music is gone because of that stupid annoying “eerie” sound, and if u have insanity 2 u randomly get purple fire on ur screen.

T"1" modifiers can give everything insanity does just w/o the annoying effects (and no boss items, true). To be fair they’re as grindy, if not more grindy to get all of the modifiers you want (depending on the modifiers), but this update makes it way less tedious (no more 100 treasure charts)

Some guy in Patreon tried to count the mortars.

Good luck :+1:

We’re in danger

ya but will the mortal survive my ram?

Mozart dropped a new single before AO Empires Update, it’s truly a time to play AO.

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@fartman1314 what if it’s not a magic but he is instead a thermo warlord with a big halberd and a lance… oh wait hold on that sounds really familiar

vetex said argos wasnt thermo, just using weapon aura

“Players can do in exhange for chests of modifie…”

This implies that you can now farm for them easier. I’m sure Hyperspace-Kun will be real happy

I am very excited for fort castrum! I known itll be a pve raid so that makes me quite happy… Unsure if its soloable tho

I suppose modified items would be nice hahah