Empires Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)


or shuras just a weeb, idk

Anyone know what stats abyssal gives?


I doubt it

is there any thing that vetex told you about the update that you can say? im getting hungry

Nothing that hasn’t already been posted here

the actual ryujin kingdom items are probably gonna look more like shura’s outfit or something

in lore id imagine katanas originated from e
ryujin too but we dont have a “ryujin katana” yet, we’ll probably get the kingdom items when its added like we did with sameria

Resistance is gonna be better this update right?

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I definitely think Valerii is going to be a conjurer with Heat Magic. Also a woman.

Apparently Valerii is a boy’s name, but Kalliste is a girl’s name and we know he’s a man… probably gonna be another case of that.

yeah I wish I knew what he looked like or something

Conjurer would have a weapon drop.
I propose Mage.

Not necessarily. She might just use the Ravenna cultural weapons. Shura doesn’t have a unique weapon, for example. (Honestly there’s a high chance you’re right, but I associate “sentinel” with weapon-wielding so there’s bias there.)

Nawhhh, when’s the last time that a general of any kind had a standard issue weapon?

Already seen em,it’s a beefy man in armor like argos, I think a warlock

jtn cooked
keep theorising

48 Hours Remain
Two Days


dawn of the second day…

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Warlock was gonna be my second guess after conjurer