Empires Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)


plasma thermo enemy

nah i agree, i feel like titan > plati too

ig Vetex determine it by value or something cause a normal golden shovel sure as hell isnt better than iron. Plati is more expensive than titan last time i check

Yeah if only (real talk his fit is fire though)

cant beleive he has cold magic

Ikr its so weird since he’s called the scorching sentinel

It’s not plasma (I have no idea what it is but it’s not plasma)

I recognize what magic it is, but NO LEAKING

I hope it’s flare.

heat magic jumpscare (real)

nah we already got flare this is something new

this magic is good news for one of my files, though my least favourite one

Vetex ain’t adding a new lost magic right before the update releases, and not two in one update, ain’t no way. He’d have me so impressed.


In all seriousness maybe I’ll change my mind about Heat once I see it. Strangely I have hope. And even if it doesn’t, I’d much rather get to see a new lost magic than not get to see one.

what’s wrong with heat magic?

I mean, gravity magic, our only real frame of reference, took a couple days.

Imagine he has Scorch Magic, I’d die on the spot, I love that one.

I just think it’s a reductive concept and probably wouldn’t look too different from Flare or Thermo Fist. From what I’ve seen, Heat is getting hype because of thermodynamics, the idea of all the things you can do by manipulating heat, but magics generally don’t have extremely complex gimmicks like that, more likely than not it’s just gonna be another burn DoT. If it’s just pure heat, what makes this magic more interesting than say, Phoenix, or Scorch, or Inferno, or Flare? All of which are also extremely hot but have other aspects to back them up as well. Generally lost magics have more aspects than base ones (like the fusions, Blizzard and Storm for example), not less. They don’t hone in on extremely singular concepts or mechanics. There’s no Cold Magic, or Knockback Magic.

That’s what I was thinking, but come to think of it, Heat is unfortunately a very likely probability.

Well youre in for a surprise

describe the magic as best as you can

Yeah, Scorch is very cool. I’m a huge fan of green fire. This is what Promethean Flare looks like in the webcomic when channeling Scorch.