Empires Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

no, it isnt in the trailer

Compiled some stuff

you can vaguely see the gravity magic circle actually

they can look at it then i guess

not the symbol though

true, i noticed the magic circle was SPINNING though which looked dope

doesnt every circle spin

The island behind the bridge island looks like sand fall

i dont think

it is

um no i dont think so

Most do with certain casting animations, while some don’t.

im pretty sure the circle spins if you hold the key

mine dont

could vary depending on the casting animation

Somewhere here then ig

it sand fall 100%

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Then i hope some islands will be in these spots as well. We actualy saw one

Above elm

We did it guys, we have an npc with the same health pool as Calvus

same hp as calvus, the hitbox of a nuclear tsar bomb and an arena as big as sandfall