Empires Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)



Who the frick is Azrael? (I love that name)
One of Warren’s dialogues still do that, btw.

i guess i’ll see yall tomorrow afternoon after the update releases. im counting on yall to get to 10,000 posts so there will be an empires discussion 2 when i come back. i am less sick and i am being forced to go to school tomorrow. Hopefully something happens to my school during the night so i dont have to go tomorrow.

(i hope my school gets hit by a plane; its super old it’ll collapse right away, Spare the castaways when you build your twin towers with the building tool tomorrow, send the plane to the school, please, ill probably be outside when the wonderful disaster occurs so I’ll be fine. ill never miss another ao update again please.)


Never… Not in a million years.
Or rather more like 15 hours.

okay i’m late watching the trailer whoops. i just wanna give my opinions cause why not
these guys look sick definitely farming their armor sets.
i’m also not sure what FS that is or if it’s even a currently released one but i’m gonna say Basic or Thermo? idk.

the 3 teased islands are cool looking. great job on those.

i’m taking it that we’re not getting a 2nd Fighting Style technique despite Weapons and Magics both getting 2 skills this update. (Cannon + Array, Dual Swords + Rapier, only the singular technique) since no other one was teased during the trailer. kinda sad about that but eh.

unless if i missed a patch note which i very well could have.

everything else, i’m not really the target audience since i’m not in a clan. lots of QoL which is always wonderful to have, and anybody who says otherwise hates themselves. overall, Empires is looking promising and i hope we’ll continue getting this level of quality or higher (we will, i trust.)

first thing i’m doing is changing my first magic from lightning to water and going into the Far Reaches for the 2nd time (the first time, it was bugged and no islands or atlanteans were spawning)

Unfortunately the Faction Minibosses only drops their cape rather than their whole armor set, though Kalliste has Basic Combat stance yeah

Watch someone solo it (after 500 tries)

How hard will Fort Castrum be to Solo?
  • The equivalent of fighting your pre Empires update rival stretched out across the waves
  • The equivalent of fighting an Atlantean in insanity 2
  • Easy
0 voters
How hard will Fort Castrum be to solo, 1-10 (10 being the hardest)
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
  • 8
  • 9
  • 10
0 voters

mr hyperspace i can allow size just for you :pleading_face:


Lol, the bug that allows infinite waterbreathing jewel builds to exist wasn’t patched after all. I’m glad because I made one specifically for this update.

there is still so much time for vetex to patch it last minute, don’t get your hopes up

Also just realized we never got our clam-themed set as vetex is still waiting on the design… such a big change missing from this update that will severely impact the player count

not the guy who got added, the guy is named azarel (not azrael)

the kinda guy to run into a tf2 convention and yell “TF2 IS MID”

Grandpa is still going strong :older_adult:

tf2 is peak fps

I think he made a good cool with that, romance and lgbtq in a roblox game is icky, and it doesnt go down well with this kind of community

imo romance at all kinda fucks up the community. take for example, undertale

Skyhall is secretly homophobic