Empires Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

vetex said something about reinforcing your first mind in the q&a i think

yeah thats probably what i was thinking of

Imagine if it is somehow related to MC’s godly bloodline.

Like… becoming a god of your first mind. Maybe not exactly like that, but something similiar.


edgy ahh

cant wait for the lord of cinder build (its literally just ash magic)

Won’t hurt adding ruthless spirit energy to this drip.

Werent minds retconned??

Yes, there is no limit to how many magics you can learn

the concept is still probably the same, you would reinforce the magic you were born with to make it stronger

I’m pretty sure the limit is still 3

that for gameplay reasons

what grunt said, lore-wise there isnt a limit at all

then again, theres no reason to learn that many magics

Durza rolled in his coffin right now.

knowing all magics and having a bunch of curses for what just to get wiped by a dude and a hobo who both only use 3

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I think we actually need to ask Vetex why Durza failed. I know its easy to say “skill issue” or smth like that, but this bro had so many different powers that could shatter Peacekeeper in pieces. Why he didn’t just absorb Peacekeeper’s energy tho?

This guy was soooo much over-confident and narcissistic or what? But even then, it was so hard to realize that it is time to start trying?

You need to humble someone completely to absorb their power

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overconfient is a slow and insidious killer or just unable too cause the power difference wasnt large enough ( lore-wise, Vetex said that PK would have spent literal decades training before fighting Archeron, not in like 1 or 2 years like in the game )

probably another case of Calvus aka trying to master too many things and end up shitty at everything

his most impressive technical feats are probably learning dead revival, turn himself into spirit and some random stuffs that arent useful in combat

hell, maybe he barely have any actual combat experience since most of the time he probably just brute force thing through using powerful attacks, he met one person stronger than him and proceeded to bolt and hid for hundreds of year lol

same reason they couldn’t absorb theos’

Question of century: Is “plot” the only reason why Durza just waited until his own mistake (player’s revival) will grow so strong to kill him?

could be curiosity

he does seem to have a great interest in magic in general so maybe he just wanted to see how strong can a super-magically-charged zombie can grow