Empires Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

well Durza either

A: Had a bigger threat to deal with (Theos or fucking Cursebeard’s entire army)


B: Deadass saw bro as too weak to be a threat for the first half of AA’s story.

its still really funny that it was specifically stated that Durza always make sure to stay one sea apart from Theos for hundreds of year lol

any aura he tries to put up is gone from that single fact

I have no damn words to describe how stupid this character should be. I hope he was just blinded by his powers, its hard to believe that calm magical scientist can be a weirdo that believes that he can control the world and make so many mistakes. No wonder why it took him so long in his researches, bro probably acted with a trial of error.

Keep in mind this is vetex writing

Nah dude became a dynamo powering the entirety of Earth

I mean, this game is clearly astonishing in terms of small details, metaphorical meanings and mythological things. But main antagonists are… meh, this is the only thing I hate in lore. I will pick my words back if AO’s main antagonist will be any better than Durza.

Atleast we know that they will be epic this time. In terms of their origins.

Imagine we find some castaways that are from entirely different seas

Wow there are castaways in the dark sea I wonder who has been sending them there
You will not believe the struggle I had to go through to get this picture back



3 in game, infinite in lore

yeah, it’d be pretty unmanageable if you had to juggle around 12 different magics

cough cough
5 magics in wom
cough cough

yeah, but some of the magics had only a few possible moves or were mostly just support

but it still seems pretty difficult to manage that many magics at once, unless vetex adds something like a followup scroll which causes a specified move to be used after a certain attack

There aren’t any characters in lore that have more than 3 magics who aren’t durza so idk where you are getting that from

directly from the lore doc, specifically bolded parts


I haven’t read the new lore doc stuff fully

Dont, you will be dissapointed

Lmao I know some things like Durzas weird new name and the fact that Theos is British now which is funny

Spirit energy ruined everything, man…