Empires Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

by the time we have life devouring smoke there will be other op weapons and spells to use its basically going to be everything is op but with its own playstyle. atleast thats what i see happening potentially.

not if the balance team has their way

Yeah idk, vetex said himself he just wants to focus on pumping out more content, he’s most likely not going to “fix” anything that isnt game breaking.

Good or bad change?


very good, new clans have a chance to grow now

New clans striving to reach that milestone, finally reaching the big leagues then getting ganked by 4 leaderboard clans in the first hour

Eh it sucks for all the ppl that just wanna chill in their clans instead of constantly fighting ppl for infamy

most people who are chill dont have enough infamy to pass the clan only server threshhold anyways. its segregating sweats and casuals. which is a plus for both sides

“chill in a clan” mf you have infamy for a reason go fucking gain some :sob:

“You should get better at pvp NOW!”

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That probably means the attack size is still around, this shit is like a cancer it seems

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what if people just want to build things and don’t care about getting the infamy

It’s a revamped version made by Astral based on the original design.

Honestly, I’ve never been asked to do any circles for AO. Maybe eventually if the opportunity presents itself.

it should, you have a lot of content in there.

Astral still cooked with the new one

wait what about cataclysm’s, thought that was yours?

I used to do it for the infamy because it increased bank size

Now banks are gone, I got no use for infamy now and the clan is there for the cool symbol I made

I asked if there would be future opportunities so I might be asked to do something possibly. It would be cool to design circles for AO again.

It is, but I wasn’t asked to make it. I asked Vet if he’d be interested.