Empires Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

i thought limb loss protection only worked with armor that changes your bundle and chainmail doesnt do that

Kinda wish he added an option that allowed you to use whatever in-game shirt you’d like to display underneath your armor. Would allow even more fashion combos


armors that come with chainmail do though
idk why else chainmail would be unremovable

Now I can accurately cosplay your average AA player (Superheated titanium chestplate with one arm and torso hidden to replicate theos’ gauntlet)

i dont wanna recolor a short sleeves vest 37 times :(((

unfortunately it’ll still show the modifier overlay

Oh boy, maybe I can make a crappy cosplay of Marlon from Stardew Valley.

It’s good enough



abyssal underwater structures sound cool, I really hope we get some new reagents here (lmao imagine)


abyssal underwater structures gameplay footage (clearsight 5 included):

wonder if we ever gonna get visibility increase as a gem substat

I woulda personally wanted one that makes you like maximum 10% more floatier but yeah that’d be interesting (a shame clearsight exists)

waterbreathing a thing and we still have air capacity

not all hope is lost

I might put water breathing gems on a diving helmet and make a full build on my main file just for this.

Nevermind that doesn’t work, but the style points are there

Guess I’ll have to make a diving set :face_exhaling:
I guess my main is overdue for one anyways

i have like 70% air capacity and can do most dives without needing any waterbreathing potions, i would say its a pretty good investment

tho witht the abyssal diving spots thatd probably change, still have higher chance of surviving in case something go wrong at least

Looks like Waterbreathing and Clearstone reagents are about to skyrocket in value, assuming that this new modifier is as good as I want to believe. Maybe it’ll be really good on Titanium/Deluxe Iron stuff.

Only issue will be getting the good gear pieces with the modifier. It’s only a 20% chance, which isn’t a lot if you really want modified stuff.

Yeah however, pretty much every chest down there will be either silver or gold, so you will be getting a lot of items.