Empires Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

im assuming 200+

well, it has to be below the seafloor, so probably

besides, it doesn’t really matter given that hovering over an abyssal ruin shows purple text

would be pretty fun(not) if we get a sea monster exclusive to abyssal ruins, maybe sleeping most of the time but occasionally wake up and you must hide or something

then again, we already have the giant sharks to deal with so maybe not

Time to recreate oceangate


I dont think that Abyssal will be even that useful, most people who even care will do those abyssal points just for the badge.
If instead of Res-Defense it was Defense-SIze (Better Drowned, like v2) then i think people would care.

And while silver and golden chests are good, i dont think that its worth the effort.

well it kinda double-dips into tankiness, I think it has some potential

I thought we all agreed that:

  • Water - size
  • Coldness - defense
  • Hotness - Intensity and damage
  • Earth - Size, Defense, Attack Speed.

Sure but water already gives defense AND size

So I mean, does it really matter

metal mages when their defense resistance armor just gets more defense and resistance for some reason

Here’s what I find strange:

  • Abyssal structures are clearly intended to be so deep that you only ever have to complete one of them to get the badge as opposed to 20
  • Abyssal structures still then take up half of the Nimbus diving points
  • Why not just one or two?
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I think these things might be annoying, because you have to use potions just to reach them and there’s a chance they’ll just be guarded by a Giant White Eyes that you have no way of getting past, wasting the potion unfairly.

heat magic users are crying

we have… hunting attachments

Cant you just use a decent tier shark repel and negate the threat entirely?

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Is that still going to work on sea monsters? I can’t remember.

Extremely unreliable. It’s very difficult to get a shark to re-aggro your ship sometimes.

a good use for my 100% air capacity set

Can’t wait for the traders to make the news items unaffordable! (Tank builds are eating good again )

It’s always like that