Empires Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

the luck we have now and the luck we will be getting is completely different

the luck we have now actually affects rng, as for a example when u try to get a acry with luck 5, u have like a 1/600 chances to get one instead of 1/6000

with the luck we will be getting u still have 1/6000, whenever u open a chest the items u get reroll, but the chances still remains 1/6000

and that just using luck 5, 4 haves a 100% chance for 1 item to reroll, 3 haves a 70%, 2 a 40% and 1 a 10% to reroll, it doesnt affect ur luck at all, i dont get how vetex manage to make such a casual friendly feature then take it out nor why people think the new changes are good or not that bad


I dont know much about how Luck works in AO so I could be wrong but wouldn’t each item roll be independent of each other? Therefore it would still be a 1/1500 regardless of a Luck Potion giving 3 items a chest. It’s like flipping a coin 100 times and all of them would still be a half chance.


I know that its not the patchonte, but they gotta fix it…right?

If its due to an exploit caused by a bypass of the Roblox Anticheat it might be a bit harder

but would they lose?

idk about wrestling at all but why do you look like a wrestler


(oh and i noticed that only some servers have this kind of problem with faster spawn rate)

what is that OUTFIT :sob:

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to their credit, the hair is cool

Random generated one :sunglasses:

hoenstly the only “bad” part is the shirt color, just change it to black/orange/red and its good imo

way better now

that still makes it 1/500 everytime you open a chest in the abyss layer with luck V tho, you’re running through the loot table 3 times. if i roll 3 dice the odds of me getting atleast a single 2 isn’t 1/6 it’s (1/6 + 1/6 + 1/6) which is 1/2

Basic fractions moment

It’s exactly like opening 3 chests which doesn’t sound like Luck V tbh

vetex said that you can do whatever the heck you want with your magic in lore, the only reason there’s specific spells and spell scrolls is for gameplay purposes

lower that, didn’t vetex say that most chests down there will be gold/silver?

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yeah that’s like 6 drops if it’s silver and 9 if it’s gold so the odds would be more like 1/250 to 1/166 which is VERY good

That isnt how probabilities work. If you have a droprate of 1/1500 then rolling that droprate 3x doesnt make your overal droprate 3/1500 or 1/500. It will effectively be close but you cant outright say it is

I dont think this is how it works. A gold chest naturally has 3 rolls and luck 5 adds 2 rolls so it should be 5 rolls total

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