Empires Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

While you can’t heavily invest into it, there are arcanium sets that allow you gain both size and speed

i forgot maria existed for a second


Does anyone even use maria’s set?

regen potential changes, it makes regeneration better on builds without vitality and worse on builds with it

resistance is being changed to work for more of an attacks duration but no longer affect blocking

these are from the balance trello

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so they DO understand that linear scaling is good?

The inner machinations of the balance team’s minds are an enigma

this is amazing actually, resistance gives slower builds a chance and while regeneration may not be that good it’s still better than before. Now we just need AP to be modified a bit so it’s not gonna be rock paper scissors stat edition

rare drip goes hard ngl

they won’t, well the only modifier that can be put on it is the atlanthean modifier.


why is the audio so fuckin crunchy :sob:

I use roblox’s built in thing to record

place your bets, will we get tier 2 walls or above before the update drops or is that a “later” thing

I feel like higher-tier building items would come later, unless if the Tier 1 stuff is more flimsy than wet paper. The main focus is getting the Building system up and running, so there’s no real point in adding multiple tiers of stuff.


i wonder if the bounty/fame boards in the decoration tab will be functional

If AO was a good game

(Googling conjurer was good idea :clueless:)


honestly I hope aether also gets a circle icon revamp as well, its also kinda lacking imo

(I mean it literally is just four light magic icons lol)

I find it funny how vetex’s personal magic only adds a teal glow to weapons when imbued