Empires Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

show me slime molded into a 1-1 model of a modern cruise ship with working utilities

i know what to do.

haha new thermo ner-


Arcane odyssey players when they see a slightly feminine looking lego character:

I just noticed that castrum is gonna have a raid system rather than being a normal island

I assume it will function similarly to the system in arcane reborn or sum

“looking 4 valerri carry” x50

Is this a potential resurgence of thermolord?

Given the amount of stuff that this next update is going to have, how long do you all think the empires update will actually take to release?

How long will the Empires update take?
  • 1 month
  • 2 months
  • 3 months+
0 voters

I’d like to imagine it won’t take too long since Vetex promised no more absurd wait times

streisand effect

definetly less than 10 years

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On one hand it’s great that vetex has other ways to monetize, on the other I feel really conflicted about this

it better not be super cheap nor super expensive

yeah I think maybe in the 50-100 robux range would be good

After the full release do y’all think it’ll be mostly just story and DS updates?

Yeah I hope so and that’ll probably be the case since it looks like he’s getting all the non story elements out of the way

WAIT…OKAY VETEX. I’m liking this.

It’s fair for players who have already made files that have completed the story

The only thing that is bad about it. is that it may decrease replayability, like enjoying the feeling of progressing through a new file. But other than that I’ll definitely be buying this

I’ll probably be buyin this just to better deal with the awakening level requirement lol


nah we still need kingdom alignment

It sure does look like that, if everything in that checklist that’s before skyhall update is in the empires or atleast full release updates, idk if vetex cooked or IS cooked