Empires Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

i was thinking 1 per level (100 for level 100 all the way up to 600 for level 600)

yeah that makes more sense but then he’d have to make 600 dev products

Oh right, that wasn’t mentioned :sob: (please vetex let me commit attrocities against the bronze people please :sob::sob::sob::sob:)

i mean 1 for every 100 levels

buy starter pack
get to max level

PLEASE I WANT PVE CONTENT VETEX I AM STARVED (complete sentence forums :grin:)

1 robux for every 100 levels? that seems way too low though

blud can you comprehend english or are you just baiting? 1 product for every 100 levels

silksong copium ass comment :sob:

OOH my bad man im stupid

databrawl story mode type shit :skull:

Honestly, as long as it doesn’t get ridiculously expensive I won’t mind much

Here are my VERY loose guesses on what content will be in what update

Empires update:
Screenshot 2024-07-23 184134

Full Release Update:

Skyhall Update:
Screenshot 2024-07-23 184232

General PvE/Boss Update:
Screenshot 2024-07-23 184243

Chapter 9 Update:
Screenshot 2024-07-23 184250

and then outlier (poor guy :pensive:) could get an update of his own but i don’t see why
Screenshot 2024-07-23 184256


My time has come. RAAAAAIIIDDD

For those complaining on how Vetex doesnt have a team… Theres now a team of six. Pretty sure Vetex put that list of people working on the game to shut those people up LOL.

Also, Im pretty sure they get paid for their work as JTN has shown that he did get paid, so yeah, its a team (now he doesnt have to slave away for the balance team and have someone else do it :joy:)


now 5 more people can suffer with him every time an update releases :+1:


Wild guess, but maybe this could be a former ruler of Sameria? Not sure if Vetex would want a side boss with the same general premise as King Caesar though.

Actually, the Empires update seems to be 90% done.

This whole list is the Empires Update itself, and most of this has already been added as far as Im aware.

The second list below is actually the Full Release Update, which is AFTER the Empires Update.

They seem to be working on it in advance as theyre already working on the islands and content. This one might actually take 2 months or more. But they already have a headstart on the content.

Empires Update will probs release early August, which is just slightly above the planned 1 month schedule.

we def getting some of that General Roadmap stuff

Two of the stuff mentioned in the list are for Full Release, so it gives me the impression the list itself could be for Full Release. Could be wrong tho, as Vetex did say some of the stuff are for Empires in Patreon Chat. Idk tho