Empyrean Whispers: A Lore-Friendly Way to Advise Newbies

Empyrean Whispers: A Lore-Friendly Way to Advise Newbies https://forum.arcaneodyssey.dev/uploads/default/original/4X/3/0/9/3095ef2a380e362b5b8b15630302f28b082c2fe6.jpeg
effort 4.761904761904762 21 quality 4.809523809523809 21 reasonability 4.666666666666667 21

I’d like to try to change the wording of figure 2 to be a bit more… idk what to say it but here’s my attempt at it (writing it so that the gods aren’t as directly and bluntly talking to you):

“That Necklace you have… Great power resonates from within it. Few similar things exist… We created them, long, long ago. They’re all wielded by great champions now, or hidden in the most cryptic of places…”

ok yea that’s better, im editing that in

it was just a mockup anyway

yeah, but hearing voices of gods especially in this manner, where the whispers really jut out from the environment in an unusual way? the amount of clutter it could introduce to the areas additionally wouldn’t help the dollhouse scale the game currently feels like it’s on.

there’s probably a lot better of a way to go about introducing these mechanics, i think

nah, there’s plenty of ledges to hide something small like this in.

if vetex adds the guidebook i will request that this suggestion be closed

Hecates shown the gods can kind of just be omnipresent, guiding the “strongest will of all legacies” seems like a valid use of their time. Besides random cones of light in barren areas wouldnt ruin the game, and minor decor in exchange for way more new player friendliness is a worthy trade off

a guidebook runs the risk of being extremely and utterly boring to the point that nobody would read it

I like this

Maybe having them be a little less intrusive than fuckoff-huge cones of light, or only visible when you get close (place them near story NPCs to guide the player to them), but otherwise solid idea.

they arent uber huge but they also shouldnt be super out of the way
make it so players go “wtf is that” and then they go to one and go “oh its tips for the game i should go to more of these later”

also 31 votes in 12 hours :money_mouth_face:

Now that I think about it, for lore this can be accomplished by any NPC or book, for gameplay this can be accomplished by a hint.

For spirit weapons, this can be accomplished by allowing the player to look through their own inventory and see a thing.

not their obtainment

also i made this cause new players nowadays tend to ignore tips and skip through dialogue, though if they see a golden beam from the sky they’ll get curious and explore it

mmmm okay

Yeah that’s pretty cool

we NEED this, NOW!

:cloud_with_lightning: :cloud_with_lightning: :cloud_with_lightning:


fartman1314 creating a monopoly on good suggestions again

don’t see why not, you have my vote