Empyrean Whispers: A Lore-Friendly Way to Advise Newbies

Empyrean Whispers: A Lore-Friendly Way to Advise Newbies https://forum.arcaneodyssey.dev/uploads/default/original/4X/3/0/9/3095ef2a380e362b5b8b15630302f28b082c2fe6.jpeg
effort 4.761904761904762 21 quality 4.809523809523809 21 reasonability 4.666666666666667 21

how do you keep making peak suggestion after peak suggestion

I approve.

This would really help, especially when it comes to complete newbies who are lost but don’t want to look stuff up out of fear of spoilers

2 day necro

how did I not see this peak

That is why we are actively trying to use necromancy to keep this suggestion alive

just hire Durza and Hades, problem solved

no lol

fuck nah anything but durza get that fraud outta here

:raised_hand: :neutral_face: :raised_back_of_hand:

5 out of 5 star no drama

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