nah, we gotta move on to
by technicallity… yk… its pretty dry yeah…
Nah it’s wet too
i think weve gotta feel it to find out
I mean lava is just really really really really really hot rock i think it would be probably dry
But at some point it’s gotta be so dry it becomes wet
I mean if you cover something in oil, does it become wet? If not, then lava can’t be wet because there’s no water. If so, it’s just the is water wet debate again
It is a fluid and therefore wet
Gemini quote?
Tf does it mean “lava isn’t a liquid”???
The definition of wet: “covered or saturated with water or another liquid.”
Lava is a liquid in its melted state, so yes it would be considered wet
This whole argument is literally up to interpretation of definitions.
Another example of the same sort is sand being sandy.
Let’s say we have one grain of sand, is that grain of sand sandy? It is not covered in sand it is just one grain of sand. Does it become sandy when we add another? At what point does something become covered with itself is the question. Is lava and water wet, I would say yes but something deep down within me wants to say no, but also yes? Idk
Because language is a made up concept and is literally up to human definition there is no real “right” answer only the one which is agreed upon so it’s basically impossible to really disprove someone
yeah but arguing about stupid bullshit is fun
I think the real question isn’t if lava is dry, (it is, obviously, how could it hold moisture if it’s hotter than boiling temperature?)
The real question is, is something that’s covered in lava wet?
Is lava a wettener like water is?
You are right actually the is water wet thing is just another version of could 1 billion lions beat every pokemon
By googles definition of wet something covered in lava would be wet as it is a liquid, but that doesn’t feel right because it’s lava?
But lava being wet would technically be correct so idk how to feel
are volcanos wet
A good question, depends which part
Is a cup wet if it has water in it?