Entering and Reading Posts

Hi! Trying to Get TL2. Whats the difference between reading and entering a post? Is reading one scrolling by it and entering it clicking on it?

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I believe a topic is the first post of any thread, and then a post would include that plus any comments related to it? Not sure tho

Entering a topic is clicking on it on the front page, reading posts is looking at 100 different topics or comments.

Where is that screenshot from?

Discourse’s Trust Lvl Page.

This is the requirements of TL 2 and i’ll see how you’re doing so far.

For your current status on reaching TL 2:

  • 3 out 15 days. :red_circle:
    about 12 more days to go, you can somewhat easily achieve this by just popping into the sight every 1-3 hours.
    Should tally you up from there, and you can just pop into a random topic to help guarantee it counted.

  • Casting 1 like and receiving 1 like. :green_circle:
    I helped you out out on the receiving part just now so that’s that!

  • Replying to at least 3 different topics :green_circle:
    Did it 5 times so far.

  • Enter at least 20 different topics. :green_circle:
    22 topics seen, can see more of em if you want here. Recommend checking it out if you’re curious to the history and timeline of this place:

  • Reading at least 100 posts. :green_circle:
    You’ve read double of that, so you should definitely be fine.

  • Spent a total of 60 Minutes (1h) reading posts. :green_circle:
    You’ve got that 1 hour read time just there!

Alrighty so to review, you’ve gotten 6 out of 7 of the requirements for TL 2. Just need to visit 12 more days, which can be done by popping on every 1 to 3 hours.

You’re doing well so far~ Just that last stretch of 12 days is all. Should be automatically given out roughly within or just a bit after the 15th day mark.

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Thanks for the mention Saiju :pray:

In order for a post to be count as “read”, (via this arrow) ^, you must wait a second between each reply. If you don’t, you may notice that this last number jumps from, say, 6, to 14, because you scrolled without stopping to read a reply.

Thank you!!! :smiley:

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