Epic forum quotables

inshallah you will pay the price of your sins 付出你罪惡的代價, 以眼還眼…

I’m not Muslim, but it’s actually pronounced In-Sha-Allah

And no I shall not pay for my sins.

he wrote it the way it’s spelled (its called a transliteration)

doesn’t it say post can’t be empty

quoting a quote

look at username lmao

britain israel




Ruby nooo


It’s Rubyn, why are you surprised?

what the fuck


Yeah we gotta take Ruby to the mental hospital or some whack.

?? what the fuck

I can’t even be surprised at this point because of some of the other things I’ve seen Ruby say

Rubyn calls themselves “Edward’s Enbyfriend”, draws and posts art of the man with exaggerated musculature and varying levels of skin-tight clothing, and comments on just about every art post involving any remotely attractive character. Them saying this was basically an inevitability.

Regardless, it remains over the top and entirely unnecessary.

Oh, yes. I’m not disagreeing, I’m just saying that we shouldn’t be surprised.