Forum's self-made qoutes to live by

Inspired by an undisclosed discord thread, what quote/s and saying/s have you made that you follow?

“Through coffee and determination, you can see yourself through the end.”

One of my mildest quotes I made


“The silliest strategy usually works”

I have a lot of quotes that I go through like phases depending on my mood, my current one is:
“Nothing changes if nothing changes”

I sure wish Kash lived to see this thread

Me when I am about to lure someone with 10 barrels of tnt

“kill yourself” - @Unlucky 2023-2024

I don’t remember where I heard it, but I like this one for my personal life.

‘Something worth doing is worth doing poorly’


For example taking a shower (wild concept for forums i know): if you dont have enough time to take a proper one, such as you’re late for work or something, its still better to atleast wash your face rather than just leaving for work unclean.

If all else fails, get more intensity

“technically, if you’re equally racist to everyone, you aren’t racist”

“If you’re in a hole, keep digging. Hopefully you’ll reach the other side and be able to restart your life in Australia.”

“If you can’t pvp, basking shark.”

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“If it works, change it. i hate when things don’t go wrong”

“preference over power”

i hate metamancing, just use what you think is cool

I have no cool quote but some people could really use a shut the fuck up

though people wouldn’t say that about me sometimes I could use that too. sometimes it’s better to let the silence do it’s thing than to break the thoughts and say something you will end up regretting. Just say nothing.

I didn’t say this, but my favorite quote from my sister is

“We can’t all be shining stars in the microwave.”