Epic forum quotables

Alright, alright, stand back son. One one one… (rb)one!

I have no idea who rb1 is- My name is Robert Boyle, also know in the forums as rb1, and this is my confession

For the past year and a half i have pretended to be a woman called “ShiansiThe24th” as a social experiment, and it has turned out the people on the forums are the perfect subjects for the experimental parasite i have created.

At this moment, the forum’s biggest names such as “goopman”, “flare”, “realisticbanana”, “imalettuce” and many more have been infected with the rvirus1 and will all melt into a puddle of shitposting permanently attatched to their chairs.

The rbpocalypse has already starte-

He could be in this very room.

Hey you didn’t continue the meet the spy bit :frowning:


Let’s go, let’s go!

typo is gay, confirmed

100% real Nicky exposed

everyone knows i don’t use any emojis besides my fakenitro ones

doesn’t that mean you use emojis tho


INCOMINGGGG! (Shut up forums this is a complete sentence)

Aaaaahh- hey it’s still here!

Forumers. (Meet the spy title card appears)

alright, you’re rb1. What better way to feign being someone then acting like you don’t know who they are and asking about them?

Maybe the real rb1 was the friends we made along the way

Think you meant.


This is rb1 themed remember


I see that the user data is safe?

Safe and sound

Tell me, did anyone happen to ban an rb1 alt on their way here?

… No? Then we still have a problem. Tosses the corpse of Dubious onto the table.