Epic forum quotables

why are all my frineds arguing i’m sad

HUH. What happened while I was forced into a D&D session :sob:

The colon guy who had that background got banned.

:crab: :crab: :crab:

Damn. I mean, kind of deserved, he was rude, insulted people, defending a scientifically inaccurate take… wild.

But I am going to miss my chance to show him how he can grow. Be better. It is a day to celebrate the lack of a harmful person, but it is a day to realize we could’ve taught him how to grow and stay away from his more dark urges.


:crab: :crab: :crab:

mr colonoscopy is gone


Nah he was openly and proudly a pedo and adamantly defended it, there was never any chance of coming back from that.


That guy had a game!?.. Well I literally knew nothing about him

I mean banned from AO itself because its a roblox game and they’re a pedo.
Those don’t mix.

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I read all of that thread, what the fuck was that!?!?

2nd degree derailing

Quote here

I don’t care that this is a self quote I’m going to rerail this topic

don’t worry i’ll quote it for you :hugs:

so twu…

I’m glad there are some things we can agree about

that whole thing started and ended while i was dead i’m never getting that 40ish minutes of reading back
i keep yammering about it wanting to make a big post about analysis and such of combat in ao in general but it may be for the better sooner than later, i’m gonna try drafting it up some more later tonight

Nice one arly

yummy radiation


64arc moment