I know this is going to be hard to get through your thick skull but I know how to harness cancer to its fullest potential. I am going to regenerate from injuries at an accelerated rate, something the likes of humanity has never seen. I’m going to become immortal. I will outlive everyone I know. The only legacy you shall ever leave is this rhetoric and I shall make sure of it. I shall be the only one. My reign shall be forever
While you rot in the pits of hell that I have carved I shall be terraforming the earth into my utopia
You might have me confused for someone else of similar talents
You don’t get it. Now your cancer’s cancer, the thing saving you from terminal cancer, got cancer and your original cancer, the one killing you, is free to kill you.
a negative^3 = a negative
why are you me. Everytime i think about uranium-238 the intrusive thoughts tell me to consume. I don’t know why, eveyrtime I look at rocks or grass I want to consume. I need advice.