Epic forum quotables

tiberian rebel on that utilitarian grindset :speaking_head: :fire:
1 brief kidnapping to feed a whole town :fire:

ah, bro was not sexually harassing her (all tiberians are gay, its canon its in the lore this is why they are so poor (homophobia))

erm i looked it up not true!!!


this was taken out of context. calvus propaganda :frcryin:

Iris tried to kiss calvuses wife :exploding_head: (dont ask where her father went)

Lil bro is trippin or what?

I don’t think you have to say “I didn’t ask” to not ask a question.

Wait is this why optical just posts uhhhh and ummm randomly seemingly contributing literally nothing to a topic???


It all makes sense now…

I refuse to allow context to exist

Too bad

It’s Borealis Balls

speaking of no context

imbue my balls with metal

call that shit

Stop drinking mercury, it’s poisoning you, not putting metal in your balls

cockroach or not i need it :eye:

noooo my lack of context :sob:

Fastest forum quote??

Saw one about 20 seconds after it was posted once.