Epicenter Explorer Title Changes

insanity irl


the SILLY WIZARDS who are actively CONTROLLING BOTH SEAS (U MAD SHITTERS U MAD NEWGENS), do NOT approve of this change cuhsicle… it happened because vetex is CRADLING the shitters who could NEVER get to the epicenter cuhsicliamos…


Well yeah you get to keep it, it doesn’t matter if the colour is a more appealing purple because that colour is now reserved purely for the epicentre

also I think the current purple might conflict with a leaderboard title, p sure it’s purple for one of the bounty titles

i didnt like that it had the icon anyways made high lb titles not feel as exclusive so this is a fucking amazing change

ive actually never seen a title in any game before recieve a nerf

Personally, I think they do if they spent hours to find a sheet of obsidian

nuh uh

the eye looked cool :sob:

i saw someone with the title ingame and it looked sick af with the eye on their name :sob:

I stand corrected that color looks so pretty. Although a unique font would’ve been cool.

People are complaining but the choices are either this or another wipe. :sob:

im not exactly sure how he’d make the epicenter completely uncheesable so its the next best thing
also the icon was out of place

it was cool

my idea which is terrible on how to do that is make it so that the epicentre spawns client sided for each party, and it changes every minute after a party enters for new members of said party

who coulda possibly guessed the color the epicenter title would be changed to


Clearly the title was killed after huge efforts we put in getting it exactly because almighty testers started feeling less exclusive

testers dont have titles tho

rb1, I don’t think any of the testers have even been to the epicentre

robert boyle number one detected