Nimbus Sea & Easter Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

What does the new title look like?

Purple with like an eye icon (which is going to be removed)

I meant the new title

lavender purple

Oh, lavender is great!

Ill allow it

this is a better color I agree

Ya what? This color is beautiful!

yeah everyone was going ‘waaahhh my titles color!!!’ when in reality it was just made lighter
vetex couldve worded that better, but it would still mean ‘made the text color lighter’

Its a bit off topic, but due to recent bugs of awakenings, you probably saw this, savant with 2fs 2magics. And just now, Bteam member posted a poll for “data gathering”

Would you like Savant’s awakening getting changed from “choose fs or magic” to “2fs 2 magics”
  • No, i like the current awakening.
  • The 2 magics and fs idea is cool, and i wont mind see it getting added
0 voters

though, knowing how we lost 4th warrior wep slot, see it just as dream scenarior

I was actually going to go for Savant when both awakenings were choosing another Magic or Fighting Style (thinking that you could get three slots for either Magic or FS), but it makes sense to not have that. It’s a lot for the player to juggle, and it could be ludicrously broken if the player was able to balance all of it.

Man, talk about a very late April fools joke

is this still possible or nah

Should’ve changed my clan name before posting that

Is this saying changing the first awakening to get both 2nd magic and 2nd fs, or changing the 2nd awakening to be a 2nd of whichever you didn’t choose for 1st, cause if its the latter then no thank you


vitality savants should get a 5% dmg resisitance on second awakening tho js sayin

they’ll already get the ability to imbue spirit energy into everything, so it’s not really necessary

hello??? paladins and juggernauts here???

what are you talking about?
all 3 other vitality classes will also be able to imbue spirit energy into their other attacks