Errm no I didn't

seeing a lot of revon art recently they’re all very nice :+1:
just here to dunk on revon and gaslight him into thinking his brother isn’t, dead he’s just crazy!!!



watch this while reading for top tier experience

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“AWE is fodder”
“Nuh uh”

we just met in vc…
oh boyy (ur mic is cracking up so that does not prove the AWE)

Yea lmao

believes it “maybe I should lay off the drinks for a while…”





I’m glad I’m not the only one who thought of this meme when reading his dialogue lmao

Thank the gods revon, I haven’t taken yours yet

Nuh Uh Nuh GIF | Nuh Uh | Know Your Meme

I don’t think I’ve taken everything from you.
takes his life*
Ok. Now I’ve taken everything from you.

As god is my witness you will randomly remember this 5 years later and question yourself