Expanded Crew Features

Expanded Crew Features
effort 5.0 20 quality 4.947368421052632 19 reasonability 4.85 20

I’ve listened to like 5 different versions of Wellerman now, and the only one I can even lightly complain about is the Nathan Evans variant.

Dunno why… just sounds off when listening to it more than once, or even the first time.
I don’t like it as much as the rest.

As for the rest, no complaints.

Keep in mind : I’m staying on YouTube, TikTok is just not my cup of sugar, tea, or rum.

yeah my sister uses tiktok so I just… wouldn’t stop hearing it

Yeah, judging from how many views the Nathan Evans variant has it’s… probably the one you heard whenever your sister leaves her phone on full volume for no reason when you’re just trying to sink some poor shmuck’s ship on the Bronze Sea.

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