Expanded Crew Features

Expanded Crew Features
effort 5.0 20 quality 4.947368421052632 19 reasonability 4.85 20

Expanded Crew Features

Currently, crews and deckhands only provide stat buffs to the ship, which, in my opinion, is quite lackluster. Of course, the game just released, so crews are going to be pretty bare-bones. However, here I talk about things that I would like to be added to the game.

Table of Contents (These should be clickable)

Crew Addons

As I said before, the crew system in this game is pretty bland, only adding stat buffs to your ship. It would be cool if there were more unique crew members that occupy the add-on section of your ship.


Whats the point of the crows nest if it isn’t being used?

Barrelman Functions

Requirements: High vantage point
The barrelman assists the user with vision, whether it be decreasing fog or detecting important things from afar.

  • Passively decreases fog.
  • Detects the following:
    • Castaways, Sea Crates, Sharks; highlighting them.
      • “Captain! Theres a person stranded to our north!”
    • Islands; directing the player to its location
      • “Captain! I see an island to our north northwest!”
      • Will be particularly useful in the dark seas, where mirage islands spawn and the fog is heavy.
    • Hazards; warning the player of their presence
      • “A tornado is forming up ahead!”
      • Useful in the dark seas where extreme weather is prevalent.
  • Low health
  • Insanity causes the barrelman to incorrectly highlight sharks and castaways(they become schizo)
  • Effects become weaker at night, can be mitigated by turning on ship lights.
  • Higher req barrelmen can decrease fog even more, detect further away, have shorter detection cooldowns, are less effected by insanity, and have more health.


Very reliable and trustworthy doctor…

Surgeon Functions

Requirements: An interior to your ship (any big ship)
The surgeon heals damaged crew members at the Captain’s behest.

  • Talking to crew members now has another option: [Send to Surgeon].
    • Puts the crew member out of commission, negating their stat buffs and utility until the surgery is done.
    • If a crew member reaches critical HP, they are sent to the surgeon automatically (could be toggleable).
  • Can not be used on dead crew members.
  • Found inside the ship.
  • Insanity causes the chances of failure.
    • Failed surgeries makes the crew member unusable until ship is respawned.
  • Higher req surgeons have decreased surgery times, are less effected by insanity, and have more health.
  • VERY Low req surgeons have a base chance to fail a surgery and are more effected by insanity.


Sea shanty.

Musician Functions

The musician plays music to boost crew morale.

  • Plays music, buffing:
    • Action rate; barrelman can detect faster and surgeons take less time per surgery.
    • Crew stat buffs.
    • Insanity resistance.
  • Crew can sing along with the musician.
  • Custom music gamepass?? (please don’t)
  • Some musicians SUCK and debuffs crew (and surrounding ships with their god-awful music).
  • Higher level musicians have more amplified buffs/debuffs.


I hate manually repairing my ship out at sea.

Carpenter Functions

The carpenter repairs the ship with their unlimited supply of wood.

  • Passively repairs the ship out of combat / out of very dangerous situations
    • will not repair during a shark attack,
    • but will during storms/rough waters OR when the ship is in a critical state and NOT in player combat).
  • Free? If not, make it so breaking trees actually give wood that the carpenter can use.
  • Higher level carpenters repair at a faster rate and are much more efficient.


Why is there no bank in this game?

Boatswain Functions

The Boatswain maintains supply for your ship, acting as a bank.

  • Can store galleons for later use (see commands).
  • Galleons can be put in / taken out.
  • Upon death, the boatswain will drop money (maybe).
    • If not, Galleon cap will be pretty low.
  • Higher level boatswains can store more.
    • If boatswains do drop money, higher level boatswains drop less.

"Dynamic" Crew

Before I get smited from Suggestions, this suggestion isn't like WOM dynamic NPCS.

Passive Gathering

What sane crew is going to sit on a ship for 3 days waiting for their captain?

Passive Gathering Details

When docked at an island, crew members can start collecting items from that island after a while. For example if you are docked at Ravenna for a whole hour, crew can collect +4 Lemongrass Herbs, obtained when you get back on your ship (very op i know).
Additional option for the crew to fish (passive fishing, uses owner’s bait).

More Commands

Why is my crew only capable of firing cannons?

More Commands Details

There should be more commands that the user can command their crew to perform apart from firing the cannons.

  • Arm Cannons
    • Basic cannon feature we already have
  • Hide
    • Crew members run and hide inside the ship, becoming untargetable but removing all functionality that you gain from the crew (buffs, utility).
    • When taken out of hiding, crew takes ~10s before they’re usable again (makes it so you have to use hide correctly).
  • Repair
    • At the cost of galleons, the crew repairs the ship.
      • Useful for dark seas.
      • Can be used while the crew is hidden (?)
      • Can’t be used in PVP (?)
      • Much faster than the passive repair from the carpenter.
  • Rest
    • When out of combat/danger, the crew rapidly heals.
    • Unusable in the dark seas.
  • Load/Seize/Unload Cargo
    • Pay your crew to load/unload cargo.
      • Adds much more risk/reward to cargo trips.
        • Failing a cargo run will cost a lot more since you had to pay your crew, while cargo
    • Can be used to seize enemy cargo once you sink their ship. (You don’t have to pay to do this)
      • Maybe add an option to surrender cargo? If you demand someone to surrender their cargo and they comply you gain/lose rep (demand navy ships = always lose rep, hero demanding pirate ship = gain rep, villain demanding pirate ship = still loses rep)
      • Ships (mainly Navy and Ravenna) can spawn with cargo.
      • Adds another reason to go villain since that allignment actually sucks runs are much faster increasing the amount of profits you can make.

Dark Sea Crew Members

Legendary crew members stranded in the dark sea, desperately grasping for survival.

Dark Sea Crew Details

Deckhands hirable in the dark seas, giving large stat buffs at the cost of debuffs.

  • Found as castaways/on mirage islands.
    • Sea monsters/bosses will be nearby.
    • You can take them back to a town for greater rewards if you do not want them as a deckhand.
    • Shipwreck would be nearby.
  • Very rare.
    • Shouldn’t be able to live in the Dark Seas for long.
    • Fast despawn time (they succumb to insanity if you take too long).
  • Insane, will cause their buffs to be unreliable at times
  • LARGE buffs, talking like +20 Ship Speed, maybe unique buffs such as +.2 cannon dmg multiplier
    • Limited to 1(?) Dark Sea deckhand.
  • Debuffs, such as -5% Resistance or -800 Durability
  • Low requirements to hire (they’re desperate + mindlessly grinding fame shouldn’t be the req for good deckhands)

A lot of this is stellar and you’ve gone in-depth for a lot of QoL

I could see this being used to justify the utility of ships more than just travel, treasure, and cargo, while also expanding the capabilities of the player

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lot’s of nice features id like to see you have my vote


Crazy deckhands sounds cool, would




Me think you slightly little bit copied from my crew suggestion :fr:

But ok you did it better :nod:

(Still little bit peeved)

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i sent this in for my suggestion role application 2 days ago :cry:
maybe great minds just think alike

This has to be the best version of the “make crew better” suggestion by miles.

Everything about this is great, though the option to tell a ship to surrender makes sense realistically, it might be bad for gameplay.
(that sailboat is definitely going to give it their best shot against your Man O’ War)


i planned the surrender option so u can give up ur cargo and run instead of getting ganked by 4 different ships
but ig if theyre going to steal ur cargo theyre prob gonna kill u for fame too so might be redundant and bad for gameplay ( i am not surrendering my cargo to the rowboat spamming the ask for surrender option )

Yes, yes, and yes
(high quality suggestion)


I think that before a ship is destroyed, the captain should be much harder to hit or attack or just straight up given 100% damage resistance to everything that isn’t grapeshot so just boarding a ship and attacking the player isn’t a viable option without participating in naval combat.

As much as I don’t like restricting player options, PvP naval combat shouldn’t be trivialized by
“lol I’m on your ship now”


yeah but ig its better than trying to chase the 90 speed 80% wind resistance light ram boat or the 110 speed ketch
ship pve is pretty fun though i love ramming boats

Although 20+ ship speed is too much

true i made this thinking that legendary captains gave a lot of stats (they dont)
max speed buff should be ~10 (50% more than legendary deckhands who gives 6 or 7 spd)

honestly outright superior to anything i’ve ever suggested. 10/10.


Idk about you but some of these feel like quartermasters of different varieties instead of add ons but I wouldn’t mind if these were implemented in a different way.

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I dig it. Some of them are a bit iffy (I think carpenter would be too useful regardless of balance) but i like the ideas.

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top tier suggestion this would improve the ship system even more

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Amazing suggestion, really hope vetex sees this and takes notes.

i forgot to rate and dumbass slowmode won’t let me edit