Explain the reasoning behind your ship names

All of my ship names are based around the Magic that file has. The Abyssal Floodgates into The Thundering Flood, the Chemical Crusader, the Earthen Exterminator, the Citrine Sunshine, the Fiery Shade, and the Wooden Fighter are all as self-explanatory as they get.

Three reasons.

1- I suck at names
2- My favorite magic is heat based
3- I own Chihuahuas

Result: Cremated Chihuahua


I suck at names

Same here, hence why all of my ships are named after that file’s Magic. I don’t bother taking into account the Fighting Styles or Weapons, though, partly because they can be changed whenever, and mainly because “The Burning Shadow Boxer” doesn’t roll well.

Aboat time
Idk I just thought it was funny
But one time some random dude was like
“Your boat name”
“It is a name”

ratatouille, my pride and joy
it has a rat flag and i was feeling a bit hungry

imagine getting jumped by the fearsome “cremated chihuahua”

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The Royal Flush

Everybody will fear the Cremated Chihuahua

The Break of Dawn

My character likes Dawn

The Inferno Bull

Character has fire magic and is in a guild called The Black Bulls… so why not?

“the weaver”

i wanted something space themed and thought the warper was too on the nose and didn’t really sound like a ship name so i thought about weaving space instead

“the drifter”

i wanted something time themed, and since “the turner” got tagged for some reason i thought of drifting through time

“the maker”(?)

haven’t made this file yet so it’s not set in stone, but i’d like something creation related

I named my ship on my first file “the band of the hawk” as a reference to a certain manga because I mainly use greatsword.
My second file’s shitty rowboat is called “”““the shining king””" :moyai::moyai::moyai:" because he uses light magic and I’m uncreative.

My ship is named “The Humane Mikado” after the 19th song in the operetta The Mikado by W. S. Gilbert and Arthur Sullivan.

The Mikado sings about how he wants the punishment to fit the crime, often in an ironic way.

If you like musicals or opera I’d recommend watching it.

Ship 2 - Destiny’s bounty

  • contains my username
  • Lego ninjago

ship 3 - the money muncher

  • self explanatory

ship 4 - whendaybre4ks caravel
ship 5 - whendaybre4ks caravel
Ship 6 - whendaybre4ks sailboat

ship 10 - Exporting porter

  • idk
    forgor my other 6 ship names ill write when i remember
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quantavious bingleton

  1. one of the auctioneer npcs at sailors lodge is named quantavious bingleton
  2. if my name was quantavious bingleton I would do what the guy in the lightning gif told me to do

Abyssal Symphony ( mage warlock file )

  1. my file has some water theme ( blue haired and wear diving helmet )
  2. thats it
  3. the name itself came from the seaborns from arknight ig basically constant evolving pests came from the ocean with the goal of assimilate everything into them

Roseate Desire ( knight file )

  1. an E.G.O name in Limbus Company
  2. i like pink and its pink, thats about it

my shadow poison mage file boat name is ‘the toxic mayo’

my fire conjurer file is ‘the flaming spatula’

and finally my lightning warlock file is ‘the electric stovetop’

i feel as though i do not need to explain how i came up with them

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  • Its an actual name for hosptial-ship
  • Im helping new players with 200 galleons and some low level gear
  • Sometimes i help people getting to some places
  • Healing people with healing cauldrons

so honorable :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

guys i can’t explain why i have seen queen anne’s revenge multiple times