Explain the reasoning behind your ship names

She really wants her vengeance

Got “The Hades Scorn”
Shortened it to just “Hades’ Scorn”. Im also a sucker for greek mythology so

Second file is sorts the opposite of the first. Chose “Zeus’ Respect”

Third one is :cat2: :cat2: :cat2: :cat2: :cat2: to my knowledge

Fourth is just “The :3”

Mine has a history. So I like using “Silver” in my usernames, and the old currency in AA was lamina, which was a silver like coin, but since we now have gallons, I named my ship
“The Silver Gallon”
But then I joined a cooking clan (Cooking Association) which is sadly dead now, but we had a cool theme of naming our ship after something used in the kitchen combined with the name of a god, this lead to my current ship name
“Scale of Athena”

I like both names and I switch between them when I feel like it.
I won’t say I have a great naming sense, but i try to be creative with my name, and I don’t want the name of my ship to just reflect my character.

i name them random emojis or stuff like “gwarg”

reason: idk

“Wandering Astraea” (Abigail Quill)

Kinda just thought of it because Abigail (like all other MCs) is a drifter, and because she likes celestial/night motifs (especially the stars). I didn’t put forethought into this part, but coincidentally, Astraea in Greek mythology is a goddess of justice, innocence, purity, and precision, which lines up with Abigail genuinely desiring to help others and do good.

“Firestorm” (Aisha Sectonia)

Aisha, my bad rep file, is a Magma Magic/Iron Leg Warlock with a fiery, aggressive, stubborn, and ruthless personality. I dunno what else to say.

Aaron “Rin” Zephyr - The Stormy Moon

  • Stormy here refers to their heritage, that they were a descendant of a Wind-Lightning (eventually mutated to Storm) mage and Moon refers to the magic I gave to them when I created them, Moonlight Magic

Otori Toshiko (Hatsune Miku)- The Pumpkin Chariot

  • She’s literally based on a song where ‘Cinderella’ is a thief, what else is Cinderella gonna ride on if not the pumpkin carriage?

George West(inghouse) - Dead Man’s Wonder⬇️anD

  • I once had an oc on a different fandom based on George Westinghouse himself, his theme is basically Alice in Wonderland x undead(his alias is Revenan✝️), Wonder⬇️anD happens to be the company name of that said oc

Julian Wolf - Harrowing Wolf

  • it’s just a reference to MILGRAM, the 10th prisoner, Kotoko has her first trial song be called HARROW which has its music video feature wolf imagery

im not good with coming up with original names, plus i use magma so i went with the rumbling caldera


Poptropica boat

1 Like

Viktor Marshall - The Gamma Empress: Same case as you, however the original name of his ship is “Speranza” which means hope in Italian and it is also a nod to the ship of Adeptus Mechanicus in WH40K which also has the same name.

Akane Satou- The Grey Ghost: Named it after the USS Enterprise (CV-6) because I tried to make my character look like Enterprise from Azur Lane but ended up looking like Lady Maria. Aside from those, the ship’s sail are dark grey making it look like a ghost ship.

Zoe Koi- Honor: This character is straight up Zuko from Avatar so naming the ship Honor seems appropriate enough.

“The Sunken Wanderer”

Because I like to explore, and I’ll probably sink more often than not.

-that one fire guy is cool
-idk but spades are cooler than diamonds or clovers or hearts
-the ship’s title looked better when i was in a clan

Result : Ace of Spades.

Behemoth of the seas. Why?

Well for starters, I consider my ship to be pretty pretty goated. It has good speed, decent durability and ram damage and I made it look cool even without the painting gamepass.

It’s an absolute beast I tell you! And how else large beasts are often referred to as? Behemoths. BOOM, BABY


Magma Warlock: Please Buff Fighting Styles (made before mage nerf, no i’m not changing it)

Knight: これは日本語で (this is in Japanese)
(made to make people run away from a guy who literally doesn’t have half his moveset)

Crystal Light Mage: Aoiro
Mahoyo reference. Read it.

My ship name is

I want to know your location

because at the time I was bounty hunting people

bro i have a rat flag and also named it ratatouille lolll :poggerfish:

North Rock’s Pride is just an inspiration from Stan Roger’s Flowers of Bermuda. Specifically the last line from the chorus.

“When he died on the North Rock Shore”

And also it just rolled the tongue like butter

1st slot - The Edge of Treasure

  • I like treasure and pvp.
  • Since boats slice through water when sailing, a sharp edge would mean its fast.
  • It makes it sound like im rich, since its the edge of the pile of treasure.
  • Sounds edgy enough to be a NPC ship name

2nd slot - Butterfly Buffalo

  • “Float like a butterfly Sting like a bee” - Muhammad Ali
  • A buffalo because the slot’s class is a juggernaut.
  • sounds tough and fast, thats all.

3rd slot - Short Hail

  • A fast passing weather, which rains an onslaught of ice.
  • Referenced more on the slot, a snow shooting slashing sailor savant.

Two Reasons:

I love Wintergatan

Wintergatan is censored so instead why not use the proper name for The Milky Way “Vintergatan”

1- I love Trigno
2- Such a great name for a ship
3- I love Trigno

Result: The Rumbling Caldera

1- I love Rupin
2- I cant think of anything better
3- The opposite of the last one

Result: The Smoldering Caldera

1. The Wayfarer (lightning conj)

idk i kinda just thought about vesteria and uhh yeah

2. Crimson Calamity (magma warlock)

i just thought about calamity (like the terraria mod) and crimson since my ship is mainly red.

3. Eternal Judgement (light paladin)


4. Warlord's Willpower (its in the name, warlord)

tbh i kinda got lazy and it sounded kinda cool so

5. The Code of Chivalry (knight)

i dont feel like explaining it that much so if you’re curious you could search it up

6. The Ravager (juggernaut)

again, i thought of the calamity mod for terraria and just thought about the ravager boss