Explain Your Name + Magic Elemental poll

mmm barbecued burgr yes mmmmm tasty

no not tasty


eat chiken not me

nom nom nom mmmmmmmmmmmmm tastyyyyyy i like ya bun g

burger you are food meant to be eaten

ok im uncomfortable

hi uncomfortable

dont do it…

kiss the cook

im not kissing my father weirdo

:flushed: ok ill stop talking


Just thought JTN was a cool name

im not wind element but all my homies STAN quetzalcoatl

Pretty sure I created Wapingkoo for my first roblox alt. Don’t ask me why, I decided to give it an actually original name despite the fact that my main account was literally a random Xbox 360 gamertag and that I would barely use my alt at all. I then thought for a couple of years at least about changing my main’s username but I almost never had the robux for it and Wapingkoo was already taken by my alt. I eventually did the classic switching the o’s with zeros and it worked.

For the actual explanation of why I chose Wapingkoo… I’m pretty sure I had some list of criteria like starting with an usual letter, having 2 times the same letter, uncommon pronounciation, possibly pretty short, etc. because I like to be original. I came up with Wapingkoo even if it’s not short and that was my main focus.
I thought it was funny when I joined Discord later and ping was a common term.

ig i chose redbeanjeane causes it rhymes a bit,and i wanted to stop using over-the-top names and start using somewhat decent usernames ig

Bluemin Sword name originated from late 2014 when I was like 9 year old when I started to be active on internet again, because I was a fan of Henry Stickmin, I named myself Bluemin and got inspired from Henry last name then add a word sword in the end because I like RPG games

I was never really creative with users… so you see i literally used my actual fucking name (yeah idc if you can find out its just there totally be weird if someone called me by my real name in the forum though) ANYWAYSSS ive always liked the cold and my sister yes my sister literally came up with my name byte and all. then as the years went by i became another use called big dumb on the discs that i can nick myself because i made dumb mistakes that no one could possibly make

used to be knux and then someone made a typo

uh huh.

I will not explain as to why my name is deleterfetus; but I chose wood as my first magic but then transitioned into magma because puddle.

This was a Username I created alongside my several other personas on the internet.
10 Year Old me found out that “AwesomeDude5623” was already taken.
So I paced back and forth and I just thought up this one and thought it was neat.
so yeah. This is my Username now.