Explain Your Name + Magic Elemental poll

Hyperspeed232 because that’s really the speed I go through phases. 232 is just a cool number I like.

First I was Nightrunner (IK, this was when I was maybe 8)
Then I was Knightbreaker
Then I was Starhail
Then I was StoneClover
Then I was Lectro
Then I was Lectronian232 (Too broke to change that name on roblox lol)
Then I was the Red Rogue
And now I’m Hyperspeed.

Although my forum profile pic is still one of the Red Rouge, I still use that tag on Steam. (Yes I know how to use Illustrator I’m just too lazy to crank out art 24/7 especially with school). I like using Blender tho and coding.

(The edit was punctuation)

got mine from the name of the dude in my profile pic and i figured i might as well go with it since it was cool enough ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

My username is literally just a misspelled version of “Fighter120” courtesy of 8yr old me. Even after I learned how to spell I thought that this name, despite its nature, sounded pretty catchy and unique so it’s been my standard username since

old username had the number 1178.
I said this number as “Eleven Seventy-Eight”
Turned it into Lleventyate to make it look nice.

Fluect derives from the same origin as “fluctuation.”

It means inconsistent, or flowing/fluent if you’re optimistic.

laughter is my name

its ehehehehe but u get the point

i have my real name!
i have some ragdoll letter



I chose the name blazel because of that one pokemon wannabe game that randomly got removed. The game was called Minomonsters 2 and one of the pokemon minomonsters was called blazel so I’ve stuck with it ever since. Later I tried using the name blazel when I first set up my Microsoft /Xbox account and since it was already taken they suggested
Sunlitblazel and I’ve been using that username for pretty much everything now.

been a good 10+ years so i don’t exactly remember
but the numbers? i’ve had 29312 and 721
29312 was from club penguin and 721 was from binweevils
came to prefer 721 because it’s short and sounds nice (at least to me)
i do still use the other one sometimes

two nine three twelve and seven to one

The big head hat on Roblox and I’m not original enough to get a better name

my name is a font that i thought looked funny. turns out its also a korean island

Used a random name generator and got a trademark name

my username is from a character I had on a discord RP way back

basically, in the discord rp, it was basically portals of hell opened up on earth, holy stuff and whatnot actually works on demons, demons everywhere
if a demon ate human souls, it got far stronger

my character was basically a dragon-shaped demon who flied around and stuff, so I just called it dragon

heres the doc I made for it if you wanna check it out
I just named myself dragon as a discord tag after that and haven’t changed it


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