Extra Ship Addons

Extra Ship Addons https://forum.arcaneodyssey.dev/uploads/default/original/3X/d/f/dfcede4d92bf245947a96917a9796c7af4c63a50.jpeg
effort 5.0 16 quality 5.0 16 reasonability 4.6 15


You are on your ketch and you notice a giant empty space on the front and rear end of your ketch. You check the shipyard wondering if you are missing anything and see that there are 2 empty icons with a simple +. You are smart so you check the Trello, but it saddens you to find the only add-ons currently planned are mortars and a mounted fishing rod.



All physical addon ideas rely on this

These are openings required to mount some ship addons. Different ships have different hard points. Addons that can be used in multiple hardpoints can be clicked in the inventory to switch their designated hardpoint.

Hardpoints should be uniform between type to allow the same model to be anchored to any ship with that hardpoint.


-Engine Hardpoint


-no Hardpoints


-Bow Hardpoint


-Bow Hardpoint

-Stern Hardpoint


-Bow Hardpoint
-Stern Hardpoint
-Interior Hardpoint


-Bow Hardpoint
-Rear Hardpoint
-Engine Hardpoint


-Engine Hardpoint
-Port and Starboard combined Hardpoint
-Engine Hardpoint

Extra Hardpoints

-Port Hardpoint
-Starboard Hardpoint
-Cargo Hardpoint - Different number of these hardpoints for each ship depending on carrying capacity
-Collector/Bottom Hardpoint for all ships

Crew Addons

New button would appear above the sails toggle button called To Arms. When toggled crew AI would be activated and they would aggro onto enemies within 50m radius of the boat. If crew are outside of the 50m radius, they are teleported back to their default position on the boat and deaggro. NPC ship crews would need to be made stronger to adjust for this. Must be Anchored.

Fishing Rod Set

-Collect fish passively when anchored at a rate slower than the player
-Same variants as regular fishing rods
-Can’t catch items
-Reduced rarities
-Uses player’s bait

Weaponry Set

-Fighting Style or Magic training (advanced)

Mortar and Cannonball changes

Increase Their hitboxes (especially for exploding). Should be usable to bombard islands. Also, please let Mortars be targetable and not like what they were in Pirate Party.

Turret Addons


Should all be placeable on islands along with autocannons like the ones on silverhold and
fort talos. Faction islands could also just have some of these to boot for coastal defense by players.

Allow swapping selected ship weapons by hitting C or a number key.

Dark Sea and Nimbus Sea+ drop only.

Turrets are aimed by the driver or a player and fired with a click the same as other ship weaponry. Can be used for a variety of uses including Anti-Sea Monster, Anti-Player (Bombard coast), and Anti-Ship. Reduce stability and speed.

Firing angles are given as Azimuth for the X-plane and Elevation for the Y-plane. Azimuth will be given as the total angle, so an Azimuth of 270 would mean 135 degrees left or right. Elevation will be given with a positive for the up angle and a negative for the down angle.

More variation to ship combat.


Cannon Turret

-Bow or Stern Hardpoint
-Aziumth: 120 degrees
-Elevation: same as regular cannons.
-Fires the same cannonballs as equipped
-Same variants as regular cannons

Large Harpoon Turret (Anti-Sea Monster)

-Bow or Stern Hardpoint
-Azimuth: 210 degrees
-Elevation: +45 degrees -60 degrees
-Very high damage. >750 base.
-Very small hitbox
-Long Range
-5-10 second reload
-Grab cargo and loot like Sea of Thieves if possible? (Could be for a smaller port or starboard harpoon)
-Not classed as an anti-ship weapon (reduced dmg)

Ballista Turret

-Bow or Stern Hardpoint
-Aziumth: 150 degrees
-Elevation: +45 degrees -30 degrees
-High damage. >400 base.
-High reload time >10 seconds
-Very Long range
-Decent Hitbox (size of a warrior aura piercing gale)
-Classified as anti-ship (No reduced dmg)

Gun/Peppergun turret (Anti-Player)

-Bow or Stern Hardpoint
-Azimuth: 270 degrees
-Elevation: +60 degrees -60 degrees
-Low damage. 20-200 base (Depending on firing rate)
-Overheat for Arcanium variants. 10-30 bullets for non-arcanium with a 10-second reload.
-Small hitboxes
-Same range as musket
-Not classified as anti-ship weapon (reduced dmg)

Arcanium Engines


Dark Sea drop exclusive.

Exclusive to non-sail ships (longboat, rowboat, gunboat, and Ironclad). Hold Shift to boost and deplete magic energy faster. Faster magics increase base energy consumption and reduce stability more. Slower magics reduce base energy consumption and have lower stability decreases. About the same speed as sails or faster when not boosting (not affected by wind direction).

Lore Explanation

An engineer reverse-engineered a skyship thruster by request of several kingdoms and funding from the Order of Aesir. Due to the high cost, the rarity of Arcanium, maintenance, and instability, engines have yet to become widespread. Experimental engine blueprints may be found on the wreckage of Dark Sea expeditionary ships. These engines were specifically designed to help expedite the mapping of the Dark Sea and improve military vessels. They are rarely found on merchant ships.

Small Engine

-Half as effective on large ships (Longboat and Ironclad)
-Reduce Stability
-Low base energy consumption

Large Engine

-Can’t be used on small ships (Rowboat and Gunboat)
-Reduce stability
-High base energy consumption


-Turbojets: High-efficiency. Compresses magic water and enriches it before activating the magic. The magic is than ejected out the back after passing through a turbine powering the compressor.
-Propellors: Average. Turns a shaft using magic.
-Rocket: High speed, low efficiency. The first type of ship engine ever built. Ejects magic to create thrust.

Other Addons

Fish Dredger

-Stern Hardpoint Exclusive
-Reduces speed and stability
-Catches fish based on ship speed and only while moving.
-New NPC fishing ship variant that spawns with these?

Spawn Point

-Internal Hardpoint Exclusive
-Reduces all stats
-Displayed above the ship with its name, as a spawn ship
-Party members can interact to set spawn here
-Doesn’t work in Dark Sea
-Must be anchored to function

Mounted Fishing Rod

-Bow and Stern Hardpoint
-Reduced stability
-Instead of passive fishing it would be manual (crew fishing rods do this instead)
-Uses a new type of bait called large bait
-Higher base stats
-Much more likely to catch giant fish
-Must be anchored
-Same variants as normal fishing rods

Cargo Pallet

-Cargo Hardpoint
-Less Storage on Internal Cargo Hardpoints (since it’s hidden)
-Reduced stability and speed
-Can be picked up. Will automatically add cargo to the pallet when buying cargo while holding it and automatically sell cargo from the pallet while holding it.
-Adds sealed chest to the pallet as well
-Anchors back to the hardpoint when dropped near it.
-Stacks cargo vertically and horizontally
-Drops as a single object
-Variants have different dimensions for how many crates/sealed chests they can carry. Ex. 2x2x3 = max of 12 crates/chest, 3x3x3 = max of 27 crates/chest.
-Merchants spawn with these and drop these, with less sealed chest
-Cargo can only be held on these now to reduce lag
-Like this, or just use the in-game model for the barrel pallets.

Sea Mine layer

-Stern Hardpoint Exclusive
-Drops Sea Mines behind the ship
-Remeber Pirate Party? Ya, it’s that except the mines despawn with the ship and have a limit.
-Visually shows how many barrels are left
-Explodes on impact
-Dmg >750

Depth Charge Variant

-Detonates within the water at a set depth
-Creates small waves or rough seas
-Very High AOE underwater
-Can be used against sea monsters, or to disrupt the waves to make a chasing ship with low stability have to stop.

Magic Energy Distiller and Collector

-Collector/Bottom Hardpoint Exclusive
-Faster distillers reduce stability and speed more
-Increase magic energy collection
-Same visual as skyships
-Ships no longer passively regain magic energy, and instead require a distiller.
-Variants could collect faster at high speeds, or have higher base storage. These will be much stronger than the current magic collection at high rarities.
-Lore: Reverse-engineered skyship collectors.

Magic Energy Storage

-Port and Starboard Hardpoint
-Arcanium metal
-Increase Magic Storage

Diving Bell or Oxygen Pipe

-Stern, Port, or Starboard Hardpoint
-Restores oxygen when near it underwater
-Deployed when anchored


More customization to ships. Adds more functions to your ship aside from ship combat and transport. Ships can also be used to engage players who refuse to leave the land through bombardment with cannons or ballistas.

There are way too many add-ons on here for a single update, so they are meant to be spread out or fit with a specific update. Would be best to include some parts with the Dark Sea to encourage expeditions.


Didn’t fit anywhere else. Different ship types such as merchant, fishing, or combat ship should have different addon pools. If ships from Redwake spawn, they should be more inclined to have harpoons due to their sea monster hunting.


For the in-universe explanation for engines, it can be reverse engineering skyship thrusters to work with magic-polluted water.

Very informative and a unique idea, would love to see a engine on my ship one day.

that’s alot of words and alot of ideas.

I like these ideas, however I don’t think giving your crew fishing rods should stop them from fighting.
If the addons end up being major game changers for ships and using something like the mounted rod ends up just being a detriment to the player in naval combat, I don’t imagine seeing them often, same goes for that.

I don’t feel like reading all of this, but it sounds cool so I’m voting for it. Making the crew more useful is good, turrets sound like they’d make ship combat better (if they were balanced), and arcanium engines make your boat faster so I like them. Some more vanity should be added though, like ship banners or colored carpets, just because I think it would be cool.

I already suffered in the ACT, so I ain’t reading all that, but just by skimming this looks pretty cool!!

It’s partially meant to distinguish between combat ships and fishing or exploration ships

I aint reading all of that but the crew being useful got me

Bro did a whole thesis

To expand on pallets

Prob be better to have pallets have their own hardpoint that has multiple mount points depending on the ship size. Taking up a turret hardpoint or spawn hardpoint is pretty harsh. Also they should prob be able to carry sealed chest too, but not be required for those.

The variants would be different sizes. Small variants would be buyable at shipwrights since there are cargo quest early on. The variants would have their dimensions in their description. Ex: 2x2x3, 3x3x4

Like most of the ideas, although some might never be added due to future plans. I like the distiller but it should have another future, Adding consumables maybe the rare aurem ( or some other magic consumable) Could make each unit of magic last wayy longer/ recharge faster. This could also be a fuel source to magic engines, Find the consumables in dark sea, a good alternate currency that be used in extremely deep dark sea adventures. Burning the fuel could easily see a huge improvement in speed etc.

Super nice ideas, although the ideas that change planned and existing features seem a little worse than the originals. (Distiller and Mounted Fishing Rod)

For the distiller, it is meant for Arcanium engines that drain rapidly or Arcanium guns that fire rapidly. It would likely become stronger than the current Arcanium regen at higher levels.

For the Mounted fishing rod, I wanted the dredger and ship crew fishing rods to take the place of auto-fishing. The mounted fishing rod in this is essentially a more expensive fishing rod with more stats meant to catch high-rarity fish more often.

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Good idea, but implementation might take a LONG time given that it’s basically reworking the entire boat system.

Shouldn’t be. The turret aiming will prob take some time, but the hardpoints are meant to work like the cannon hardpoints where any addon that uses that hardpoint can mount there, with them all having uniform mounting.

Ketch Bow Hardpoint, just the big open area here.

Ketch Stern Hardpoint, open area back here.

Caravel, huge space for a bow Hardpoint.

For the collectors it would just follow the same pattern as skyships, duplicating the collector model to each collector hardpoint.

For pallets, it would be hardpoints in the center that they would all replicate to, similar to cannons.

Arcanium engine thrusters would replicate to engine hardpoints on the rear of a ship.

I had actually applied for Suggestor using a diving bell as one of my key features, and I’m glad other people have thought about having it in the game, as well as it being an add-on.

I like the idea behind the Turrets, but they might only drop speed instead of stability, somewhat like cannons already do. I also like the idea behind the crew being able to fish, but not fishing items. However, I think that it shouldn’t render naval boarding/combat impossible for them, but maybe just increase the time it takes for them to aggro onto an enemy. Virtually, they would “aggro”, drop the fishing rod, get out their weapons, and start fighting a little more time after they usually do.

I think some of the hardpoint add-ons might be a little more ineffective than effective, because I would rather not have to wait for my distiller to finish to get my magic storage back, as the already magic-polluted sea refills it already without a speed and stability drop.

Dark sea drops are a good idea for the future as many people will eventually need to go to the dark sea for better shipyard parts and better ships in total.

All in all, it’s a pretty reasonable thing, just some parts about hardpoints and a lot of stat decreases because of hardpoints are some unreasonable things.

I ain’t reading Allat
Sounds cool though

If you don’t mind I will be stealing this for my own addon for ships suggestions

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bro who let APerson cook

Rowboat racing when

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