Extra Ship Addons

Extra Ship Addons https://forum.arcaneodyssey.dev/uploads/default/original/3X/d/f/dfcede4d92bf245947a96917a9796c7af4c63a50.jpeg
effort 5.0 16 quality 5.0 16 reasonability 4.6 15

ya did good bub

Ngl, im not gonna read any of that but because you just did an entire fucking math theory on physics and shit im gonna vote on it :thumbsup: :fire:

i ainā€™t reading allat

Good idea this is so long though XD

1 Like

Common sentiment. Iā€™ll need to work on shortening things or organizing better. Too bad I canā€™t edit it. Someone go suggest editing suggestions :pray:

hey yeah uh i did

@Meta 's working on it apparently

also, long suggestions are fine
its just a good idea to include a table of contents too
because 1. readability
2. it just LOOKS NICE.


table of contents makes any long suggestion 100x more pleasant to reead




i made a new one tho.
aaand its not been confirmed yet

buut iā€™ll check in

Table of contents, wow, yay.

we love the table of contents!

the engines or thrusters could replace rams

donā€™t engines need to be on the back or sides of a ship facing back to work?

yea but idk these ones could work differently or something :person_shrugging:

Or just replace the boost of rams. Ram dmg is based on speed.

Came back to this suggestion specifically to make a reply. After a little while, and before this closes, this is one of those suggestions that honestly warrants mentioning in future suggestions (specifically the sea monster part for future sea monster ideas I have) as a reference in case this is actually added. Iā€™ll probably rework my storm whale sea monster a bit and then reference this to get that monster hunter feel for an optional section below every sea monster I suggest that is behemoth+.
As a side note, I assume this is the case, but itā€™d be interesting if there were different types of turrets that we can get from sealed chests like there are for cannons, rams, and hulls. Perhaps some could be hybrids (2 in 1ā€™s but less effective than the actual turret itself) which could show some worth with smaller ships. I have some ideas for the Peppergun turret beyond being anti-player if this suggestion was to be added but using them would be detrimental to some extent for smaller ships with limited hardpoints (although that could be part of the game to add variation for exploration).

He says as he extends the closure by a day.
Where is your sea monster idea? Iā€™d
lik to look at it. Ao def needs more sea monsters that can be attacked with ships. Guns would prob be particularly affective against a swarm of sharks.

I can SMELL the effort in this one, Really good idea for ketch to bridge the gap between caravel and Frigate as well, so can definitely be implemented. Also iā€™m suprised that nobody has ever brung this up but let us plant bushes/ trees on our ship :pleading_face:

I have two:
KataigĆ­da (The Storm Whale of the Dark Seas)
Syntrƭvon and EnƩdra

We can extend suggestions?

It closes 1 day after last reply.

Would be really cool to see extra large ships like ship of the line or clan flagships to have plants on them like the borealis.

These ships should also def be able to have double stern and bow hard points as well as turrets on the port and starboard.