Favorite Ice Cream Flavor and Something Personal About Ourselves

gang violence ice cream (jk mint chocolate chip w mint oreos)
i’m black

Welcome to the forums. It’s great to have you here.

Are they Okay?

The jeans? They’re fine

no no the guy who salted your fries.

The less I say about that, the better

agreed. but you know fries are best when salted



Bubblegum Flavor

Sometimes I think that the people I love deserve someone better than me
I love my parents and my sister to the ends of the solar system but I think I’m not good enough for them
I don’t fit in my own household in many ways.
My dad’s an oldest child
My mom’s an oldest child
My sister’s an oldest child
I’m a youngest.
Everyone in my family are incredibly smart and I’m scraping by
I still have to go to therapy for how bad my anxiety is, it’s comparable to that of a hamster’s.
All this emotional baggage I bring with me
My procrastination
They’ve never said anything but sometimes I think they’d be happier with someone else as a family member instead of me


no. They love you the way you are. And so do the forums. Also hamsters have much higher anxiety than you ever could.

Don’t think so negatively and like this, they have no reason to think that way, life isn’t just some game where you can pick and choose through stuff as you please, I’m sure they do love you as much as you love them.

Keep in mind that we love YOU tatic :blush: :heart:


mint chocolate chip :innocent:

i like dogs (NO WAY!?!?!??!!?)

Hey pal you good?

Average The_elment W.

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wow ok fuck you too :smiling_face_with_tear:

you fucking psychopath!
how the fuck could you order fries unsalted?!?!


You took that one word out of context!!!

i will challenge vetexgames to a 1v1

you might win

feel like reviving this so we can get to know the newgens better

My current favorite ice cream flavor is orange vanilla

I always feel like I put too much effort into things that aren’t going to be very important later

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