Sandal, The Most Stoic Forumer



(why did i make this post?)


Why do I share so many personal things about my life on here?


You don’t have one.

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relax man, we all do.
Heck, I’ve dropped more rant bombs than I can even care to count.

When we’re down, it’s ok to burst out randomly and dump info at completely random times. It’s what makes us human, and that’s perfectly okay. If you’re uncomfortable talking to someone about it in person (like I often do), it’s totally fine if you do it here. I mean, not entirely the best place to do it, but since it’s at the very least an option, we’re better than a lot of other places.

So, don’t feel afraid to talk about your feelings if you really can’t take bottling it up anymore. We all have our moments.


I’m getting the urge to say this.

This is a joke don’t take it seriously I feel ya :sob:


I’m getting there dw

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gonna ask my crush if she wanna see the new avatar movie with me when it comes out tomorrow wish me luck :shushing_face:



Goodluck and rant on the forums if something goes wrong

why the fuck does this make me realize me and sandal are actually somewhat alike like jesus fuck, apart from the one where sandal is scared about bitches (I don’t feel any love anyways) we’re pretty alike.

of course I’m considering content creation since I’m definitely not capable of surviving in the current workforce


you’re gonna hate me for what I am about to say next, but for a very long time, I thought that was the dreamsexual flag :skull:

can’t even blame you ngl

: O


heres a solution:

Go up to a girl tomorrow, and call them the first word of your quote above, they’ll be super happy to hear it!

this is truly an arcane odyssey

So I asked her…




I even got her number :star_struck:

welp can’t wait for my movie date boys

All dem forumers looking for girls.

Meanwhile I’m happy just to have a community of people who like the same things as me.