Favourite magic type?

Unsurprisingly :fire_magic:

For the AU it’s clearly light magic. Not sure outside of it though.

I used it since AA, AR, AL (For a brief time when it first existed alongside AR iirc), Wom (T3 and T4 included), and AO of course.

:sand_magic_var1: :nod:

if we’re allowed to think about lost and ancient magics then it’s pressure and gravity magic form the old removed list

:fire_magic: :wind_magic_var2: and :ice_magic_var4:

Fire and wind have grown on me even if fire sucks on warlock right now.
And I’ve was my first magic, I have loved it since.

:magma_magic: :iron_magic_var2: :wood_magic_var3:

Interesting fact

My VERY FIRST EVER magic that I picked

Ever since I started WoM and became part of the AU community




this 6 sided little goober


was my first ever choice for a magic

and honestly

Ice has a special place in my heart

right next to vitality :relaxed:


:glass_magic: :glass_magic: I LOVE glass magic :glass_magic: :glass_magic:
Been using it since my first WoM file (which is still my main)

partly because it’s niche, partly because I like the nature aesthetic. I like the concept of being a forest goober.

I also love lightning because of the speed and the fact that it paralyzes people

In Arcane Adventures, I chose Lightning, then water. In Arcane Reborn: Lightning, water, wind (I want storm mutation). WoM: Lightning. For AO, I’m doing Lightning, water, and wind again.

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AR, I chose Fire and here in AO, and WoM, I chose Magma and a Magma Conjurer as AO

oh hey same

it mostly because wind, despite being one of the 7 OG btw, wasnt in Open Test 1 so i just chose a white/greyish colored magic tho

tie between lightning and snow, main file is snow conjurer

(complete sentence)

I picked ice because I didn’t think it would be shooting actual chunks of ice at people, I thought it would be something like cold white light that freezes people lol

fire OF
fire AA
fire WOM
fire AO
fire for life

You understand how it is :fire_magic: