Whats yalls favorite magic

i also have storm as my favorite lost magic i just wanna have it in the future as a conjurer

someone give em the greetin

My favorite magic is :lightning_magic_var1: though I don’t currently have a file with it. I’m waiting for second awakening so I can get a wind, lightning warlock.

I think only 1 other person has said ICE in this thread so I must accentuate…

ICE MAGIC! :ice_magic_var2:

fire even tho its super fucking lame ive had it since AA and its so cool looking in ao

i have fire magic soo…


tbh true why is fire so cool looking and even as fire conjurer i agree with this statement

I personally have four favorite, those being

Ai- I mean Wind

air? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I really liked crystal ever since I used it in WoM so now I have a file for every variation of crystal magic except for tourmaline.

The all in or not at all stat for me, still waiting for Warden…

I don’t remember posting here so I’ll make a list
Shadow or magma


Equinox, I’ll reserve judgement for Sacrifice, Apoc Bringer, Pressure, and I think the other one was called Blaze (fire lightning)

wardens will rule AO

Warden’s when their enemy dies from exhaustion:

wardens using the dance taunt in battle (they deal the highest DPS in the game)

:ash_magic: :ash_magic: :ash_magic:

pretty graphics and i’ve wanted it since the first time arsen beat me to oblivion

ah, the lag machine

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Explosion and sand feel fairly equal to me.
I really like how they look especially in combination with the Ravenna armor sets and color schemes.

I’m terrified