Female Alpha/Great White Shark

Because this post got more than 300 likes, here’s what I promised!!

Yes she barely looks like the original White Eyes but I’m happy with the design and that’s what matters :nod:


Full body ver which I haven’t play around with too much

NOTE: Her name is Taliah, since she’s TALL(iah)


Well, it’s a nice concept.


(Full sentence)

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Are you proud of your accomplishments?
Are you satisfied with your life?
Will your artwork survive the inevitable end?

aa ptsd prevents any form of horny

millions of health :frcryin:

mmmm, tall woman.
(she will jumpscare me while i am diving and do 300+ damage)

Y-yes please. :flushed:

A truly momentus occassion. I was there when that post reached 300 likes :partying_face: (but fr your designs are very good despite slightly being questionable).

this is a cool design

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i wish there was a male white eyes

whats with the amount of genderbent characters

WHY IS HER DESIGN SO SILLY AND CUTE!! :purple_heart::purple_heart: (complete sentence)

Now people are gonna start going “Yo where’s meg! Where’s Obulus!”

Im getting flashbacks to wadanohara, specifically that shark character similar to that

(This is not too similar to what I recently posted)

Notably more… Goth. Business goth.
A very intriguing style, honestly…

so what will you do next?

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Not that bad of an idea.