Finally, Empathy

I think is my second gold badge after “Crazy in Love”. Pretty cool cause it makes me feel like I’ve contributed something of value to this internet game discussion site.

I’d like to think I got it cause people think I’m cool and definitely not because I constantly post Trello updates (please let me lie to myself in peace)


this was not necessary to make a topic over

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shhh let him have his minutes of glory


no thanks

they simply enjoy being a hater


I’m so close

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guess im cool since i got empathy without posting trello updates :smiling_imp:

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someones jealoousss!!!

congrats, nice to see you kicking sticking around for so long

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do i look like an empathetic person to you or someone who wants to be an empath

why are you always so negative bro


*does normal forumer shit most of the time
*decides to not be in favour of the cliche “omg i got this badge look” topic (or any overused topics really) a few times
*why are you always so negative??

also literally any topic with the ao forums discord server

i dont get it are yall discussing my topic or are yall discussing the same thing i was discussing in that topic

nah just how you are sometimes

im 98% sure yall got a vandetta against me why yall discuss how i act :skull:

the real question tho is who is the 2% that doesn’t because I don’t really.

sure we get into arguments but like I forget about those after 10 minutes

idk all the members in ao forum sharty and quite frankly i dont care but the 2 i know that wouldnt have a vandetta against me is you and broly :woman_shrugging:

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congrats on gaining empathy for other things besides oneself

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