Finding the true size of the dark sea

I’m genuinely curious as to how we would find out how big the dark sea is, more specifically the length from one end of the first range to the other. I’ve thought of a way this might be able to happen, being to take a rowboat (without toggling “sprint”) and rowing from one end to the other. The rowboat would have to be designed for maximum stability, or as much as you can get with hull armor and a shipbuilder deckhand. Ideally, you would have another player constantly repairing the rowboat to keep it above 60% durability so it doesn’t slow down. Find out how long (in seconds) it took to get from the edge of the bronze sea to the edge of the insanity 1 range, and multiply that by the rowboat’s speed (not the displayed sailspeed, but how fast it was actually moving, ideally in meters per second) to get the distance in meters. I don’t know if this would actually be possible, or if you could go in a straight line without running into any islands but it’s just the only idea I had. Please, propose your ideas as well.

idk if ur talking about lore-wise but in lore the Dark Sea is like 96% of the planet or something like that so it’s pretty large

But it’s only the sixth range that’s that big, the others are just rings around the Bronze Sea. Not a lore thing, I just wanna find the in-game distance in meters of each range (assuming they are equal in distance)

Screenshot 2023-11-20 5.15.40 PM

what even

Bro must have a doctorate because he writes like one :sob:

chromebook touchscreen writing lmfao

what does this even say

i don’t see why u can’t just use a regular brig to traverse it

The ingame size of the dark sea is I guess until roblox starts having issues or the ocean water ends somewhere, but its not like you can get past insanity 5 without bugs

probably bronze sea size
sea cluster
dark sea

Btw i am well versed in gibberish doctor speak so lemme translate

Top message points at top left blue dot which has a very small green dot. It says, “probably bronze sea size”.

The middle message says, “sea cluster”, and the bottom one says, “dark sea”

With that, we can tell that maple tried (and somewhat succeeded) at drawing the world map of AO, which is a bunch of sea clusters in a huge dark sea.

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Oh this guy did it lol


1 stud is 0.28m (11.024in)
1 meter is 3.571 studs
1 foot is 1.09 studs

this was a wild guesstimate, go time yourselves and record your ship speed and work backwards

ok guys in this video im helping my dad decorate his apartment, the first step is to grab our measuring tape, hold it steady on ravenna, and watch my dad leave into the dark sea and never come back oh god

because the wind direction affects the speed of any ship that uses sails

do you know what vetex means when he says the radius of the dark sea is 200k studs? which range is he reffering to, or does the sixth range have an end?

damn roblox people slow walkers

i can only assume it means the dark sea itself can be envisioned as a circle of sorts, and the distance from any entrance to the center is 200k studs

Each range is like 10km and insanity 5 is rest of planet. I went 70 km into dark sea and got insanity 5 on 50th km