First condition is fulfilled, vetex!

If Michael bay thinks so then so can I (also I like things with object heads)

“iris gets small ones and empress nilah gets huge boingers”

AO’s community is done man :skull:

Cant wait for vetex to copy and paste the PvP rant but with people lusting over his characters

Also big :fu: to all the horny, annoying teenagers in this community. I know most of the people I’m talking about probably won’t read this (because they tend to not read things and then complain about stuff out of their own ignorance) but you know who you are.

I despise this portion of the community and frankly I would remove females entirely if it wouldn’t kill the game, but Roblox games like this can’t survive without females so it has to have it. It’s astounding how much more toxic the Roblox community is nowadays compared to years ago, even when I spend a week doing community balance changes there are still people complaining about some small female character not having physics that will just be fixed in a hotfix or whatever.

I barely even interact with the community anymore due to how toxic Roblox has gotten. Even youtubers make entire videos spreading false information or assumptions on topics they are completely ignorant about.

Here’s the truth: this game will NEVER have realistic boob physics and the fact that there is more than a weeks worth of physic changes to do every update is ridiculous and takes away from new content the game could be getting, and is simply unrealistic to be expected to be 100% done every single update. I would rather work on aspects of the game that everyone likes rather than weird behaviors that don’t affect 90% of the playerbase, and yet we hear “this game is doomed” whenever the most insignificant things on the female physics doc are skipped. If you don’t like the fact the game is not getting female focused then leave, the game would be a better place without these toxic people

And as for the “sugar daddied bad!” people, “I would be a better sugar daddy” no you would not. Even if the game had 300 active sugar daddied, there would still be physics errors that make it into each update and you would still complain. There is simply no way to catch every single female error before every update, and this doesn’t even matter considering the actual hand breaking ones are fixed less than a week after updates anyways.

I don’t owe anyone anything, and you playing my game doesn’t entitle you to anything either. I do enough of the female physics doc every update to make sure the game is stable and yet every single update, without fail, there are entire channels of people complaining and crying to the point of the public female physics discord’s general chat having to be closed down.

No matter how much you complain I am not changing my update routine to appease you because I despise players like you. I already do more for these players in each update than I would like to.

I did my best. Also mods dont smite me


We recently did a poll in the balance discord and the results are overwhelmingly positive!!! :grinning:
It’s clear that the community wants boobs and Vetex did say he’d add them if he was allowed to. Add boobs to ao!

Everyone spent so long finding out whether we can, and nobody stopped to ask whether we should.

Based on how certain people act, no we should not.

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horny people are ruining the community

this is why i wish we could remove the female characters

Buddy, you don’t get rid of horny people by ‘purging the digital femoids’, you get rid of them by using mods. Literally victim blaming the pixels on the screen :skull:


mb i meant 2.0 with extrusions

And on the broader boob question, the ‘BQ’ per se, we could reasonably implement breast sizes without jiggle physics for god’s sake and remove the siren top and call it a day

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flintlock aint enough we need Archeron back and bomb the earth a 3rd time

Someone call up Nero Caesar, we need to get an extermination going :sob:

Can we please replicate Akursius Keep on a worldwide scale?

Duracheron beat you to it

MAN TITTIES!!! !! !!! ! (complete)

In a sort of weird, non pervy way, it’d be nice to finally have some form of gender distinction with my files.

I mean it is pretty weird that a guy like Maddox (a mage) shares the exact same body type as a woman like Fay (a savant), and… like 90% of the rest of the AU which contain dozens of other females and males who all freakishly look alike and lack any form of “stuff” on their chests


Also, if iris, Maria, or carina don’t have boobs afterward it means they are canonically trans :transgender_flag: (they didn’t have top surgery in the 1800s)

You had my agreement up until here. This more or less implies that women are innately sexual and that any inclusion of them in media constitutes sexual imagery. Under this view, women as a whole are not characters or people, and exist exclusively as fanservice.

I know that’s not what you were trying to say—just consider your words more carefully next time. We don’t need more people equating women with sexual objects. It hurts both character design in media and real people.

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Did you read the message above that one, that’s clearly supposed to be a meme copy and paste of vertex’s rant about PvP players, but with the horny people in the community

get meta to add boobs to the balance trello