First condition is fulfilled, vetex!


Warmwater what’s your response to the allegations

You celebrate because boobs might be added to AO
I celebrate for Deep Owl mommy and Tower Defender’s Stardaughter, Alchemist skin and Aquamancer boobs might be added back

We are not the same.

People tend to Sexualize female, you know what i meant

My original statement was taken out of context and interpreted in a deliberately slanderous manner in an attempt to make me appear to be a horrid person. My statement’s intent was “I will not ping Vetex, because I am not a horny wanna-be-motherfucker”.

This quote I have pulled up is an example as to what my statement says I am not.

Getting vetex is not about lust. It is about our rights. Our destiny. To say honkers are all about honking is wrong. Summon our lord and bring justice to our flat queens, for there is only so much that can compare to the campaign for boobs.
Commend us, for this is the salvation we strive.

if you believe that this is something that needs to be done then why won’t you do it?

who are you, Lord Farquaad?

Lord farquaad is a mighty short king, and he would surely fight for our chests. Why don’t you follow his honor?

Why don’t you follow in the way of Farquaad and do it?

(Frankly I would, but I’m scared theres some sort of automod and I’m too attached to the chaos of the forums to be vaporized)

Nah there’s no automatic moderation, vetex himself decides if you deserve punishment

So now people really are debating over if they need to ping Vetex for him to see the thread or not

vetex has been on in the last few hours, he probably has seen it, and hopefully someone gets smited for this sin of a topic


My soul is right, my heart is just
This isn’t all about lust.

Promises made, shineth darkest days
‘Tis is only fair, the Odyssey’s pay will be much to spare.

Roses are red
Violets are blue
This is so dope, super lit
Arcane Odyssey is in need of t-


Damn, I placed bets on wrong person.

Who was your chosen

Confidential information. To not raise drama.

The chosen one!

Are you really that desperate or are you doing this because it’s funny?
Both do seem plausible, but I don’t understand people like you well enough to tell which it is.

What is wrong with people on this forum😭