This is probably the hardest question so far out of all the questions in the series, let’s see how many people knows this.
A comment on the previous question made a good point and to be honest, a harder question would at least spice things up. As a result, along with the galleon reward, I would add in unmodified powerful fair power amulet, unmodified powerful archmancer set and 5x strong flasks!
Reminder: If vetex adds cat ears and tail, I’ll raise the prize from 100K to 200K.
More hidden than the secret of The Stepstones, this place resides inside of the peak under the town on the clouds. How do you enter this place…?
Instructions: To answer this question, you would need to post the video of how you entered the place in here. Preferrably uploaded through streamable, youtube, medal or anything as long as it doesn’t require me to download to view the video.
sir please stop posting while im sleeping i gambled away all my money from previous wins and am now in crippling debt please sir i need to pay them or they’ll going to take my cat